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Some Famous Quotes

Through Knowledge and Discipline, Financial success is possible for all of us. No matter what you do, go and earn it. Beyond the world, you are the one who are crazy enough to think you always can.

World Happens created to - Financial Inspiration

Persistent is very important. Give what you can done, you'll get what you've always gotten. Success like liking yourself, liking what you do, surely price is what you pay and value is whay you get.

Life Shaking Moment inspired for - Financial Success

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Why Bitcoin Miners Ceased Operations Amidst Crisis

The Covid-19 crisis and the resulting volatility of the cryptocurrency market prompted many digital asset farms and independent miners to stop operations.

Contrary to expectations that Bitcoin, being the leading digital asset, will surge once stock market investors shift to cryptocurrency investment during the crisis, the opposite happened. Along with the stock market rush that saw many investors unloading their shares, the bitcoin market reacted similarly. The cryptocurrency market also crashed, resulting to daily losses of about 50% that eventually drove the Bitcoin price below the $4,000 threshold, down to as low as $3,600.

Although the crypto-community saw the prices of cryptocurrencies rising, after the government legislated CARES Act was passed by Senate. The increases though were not enough to warrant that the price of bitcoin will not go down below threshold again.

That being the trend, many bitcoin miners and mining farms went ahead with decisions to halt operations, wary that the worsening health crisis will yet again spur sell offs that only spell losses to digital currency miners.

Why Volatility in Prices Affects Crypto Mining Operations

First off, it should be understood that the profitability of crypto mining operations is not the same as what investors could gain when trading their digital currencies.

Cryptomining after all is cost intensive, particularly with bitcoin; being the most transacted of all digital assets. Where some bitcoin investors may realize gains by leveraging their cryptocurrencies during price volatility, the same cannot be held true for coin miners.

If at the end of the day the price of a bitcoin is much lower than the costs incurred in analyzing and solving encryptions bitcoin transactions for the day, bitcoin miners incur losses. Mainly because the bitcoin compensations they will receive will not be enough to cover the corresponding costs of mining.

Underscoring the Significance of Digital Assets in Times of Economic Crisis

One trait that can distinguish digital assets from physical assets is that the uncertainty of cryotocurrency prices creates an advantage in times of real-cash insolvency. There have been bankruptcy proceedings in which the bankruptcy court was unable to pin down digital money as potential payment in satisfying the legal demands of creditors.

The extreme volatility in the price of bitcoins as demonstrated by the recent bitcoin trading activities, makes digital currency an unlikely asset to demand as settlement for a credit obligation.

Let us say a bankruptcy court includes bitcoins without objection by creditors, because at the time of awarding, the digital currency had a value of $6,600.

However, if in the next few days the price of bitcoin drops to $2,300, the creditor can trade or exchange the digital money for real cash at the lowered price, or wait until the price rises. The creditors can no longer demand for more bitcoins, since they took a risk when they agreed to accept digital currency as settlement of the bankrupt person’s obligations.

When looking for a bankruptcy lawyer san diego businesses recommend those who will be able to make the court understand why cryptocurrencies will not work as a reliable, equitable settlement of credit obligations.

Posted by Lucia Kerri in Crypto, Cryptocurrency Mining

Bitcoin Not Immune To Financial Market Crisis

The recent slump may come as a surprise to observers, but it is not only within the scope of what is known from Bitcoin, but is also in harmony with the financial markets. Yesterday even the “crisis currency” had given way to gold, if only by five percent.

What Happens to Bitcoin if Stock Markets Crash into a Bear Market?

However, anyone who has seen Bitcoin as a new “safe haven” in times of crisis in recent months should now be disappointed. In places, Bitcoin was even given the nickname “digital gold”.

Experts stay relaxed

For experts like Kai Kuljurgis, founder of the crypto investment platform Coindex, the recent drop in price is more an effect of the beginning professionalization of the market. A lot of institutional money has flowed into crypto values ​​in recent months. That drove the courses. However, new investors, in particular, would quickly withdraw.

Die-hard Bitcoin supporters do not see the recent price losses as a drama, but rather a good opportunity to buy cheaply.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

The Cryptocurrencies of the Cannabis Industry

Due to federal legislations, majority of cannabis-related businesses and companies are still having the biggest challenge of utilizing the banks for their transactions. As a response to address this issue, the creation of digital currencies increases in support to this kind of market and the Stocktrade’s complete coverage of Canadian marijuana stocks. Cryptocurrency is generally a big help for the cannabis market or to those individuals who wants to purchase pot and carry out weed transactions.

Bitcoin is the main crypto that popularly dominates the virtual space and how does Bitcoin actually work is an exciting thing to learn. Yet, there are alternative cryptocurrencies that penetrate the weed industry offering specific pot transactions. The most common cannabis-based crypto are, but not limited to, CannabisCoin, HempCoin, PotCoin, CannaCoin, and DopeCoin to name a few.

Cannabis-based Cryptocurrencies

Here are some details on those crypto that popularly dominating the weed sector.


CannabisCoin or CANN operates to assist companies to have easy transactions of medical marijuana within the dispensaries. This marijuana-based crypto utilizes digital wallets as well in order to manage and store coins.


The goal of HempCoin (THC) is to provide funding for the farming industry of weeds and the use of medical or recreational marijuana in the dispensaries. The website of HempCoin is said to be useful in the facilitation of transactions among weed farmers and local dispensaries. Purchasing of weed farming tools and equipment can be done through the website of HempCoin.


PotCoin is considered as the oldest cryptocurrencies within the weed industry. Solution for banking problems for those who are seeking transaction in legal marijuana is the main design of this cannabis-based cryptocurrency. Without performing any bank transaction or clearing house, the trading of PotCoin is made to life. PotCoin trades into three market places in which people are allowed to validate transactions that are blocked based on the number of coins they have on hand. In addition, the speed of transaction for POT is about 40 seconds which is really impressive compared to Bitcoin.

“New features for this crypto include HD wallets, synch times reduction, and faster synchronization of network.


The mission of DopeCoin or DOPE is primarily to offer marijuana aficionados with doing their business in a more secure and modern way. Based on their website, users of DOPE can transact free of charge pseudo-anonymously. However, this should be done for just under a minute.


Operating under thee Peer2Peer technology which is a decentralized blockchain, CannaCoin or CNN became known as one of the cannabis crypto. It works to provide developments of future crypto applications in relation to the production, cryptocurrency processing, vape station creation, and other cannabis-related businesses.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

3 Primary Types of Cryptocurrency in Existence Today

Back then, the types and number of cryptocurrency in the world can be counted by the fingers in your hand. These days, good luck with that! Cryptocurrency market grown a lot since its inception. As we proceed in this article, we will be explaining the major types of crypto which are:

  1. Bitcoin
  2. Altcoins and;
  3. Tokens

With blockchain technology, this becomes possible. In fact, Bitcoin was the very first one. From there on, there have been countless of blockchains that were created and these are otherwise referred to as altcoins. Then there were tokens.

A Deeper Look into Blockchain Technology

Alright, so we already know the three main types of crypto. But what about it? How they are different from each and what they can do?


It’s a digital currency you could send to others; perhaps has a gift, as payment for service and/or product.

Bitcoin acts like money but it is purely in digital form. But that is not where the difference lies. This is decentralized as well or in other words, no bank or third party handles it.

When using Bitcoin, every transaction takes place between users or called as P2P network. Since no third-party is needed, there’s no reason to identity yourself. You could start making payments and remain anonymous. And mind you, there are many people who are investing in Bitcoin and even using their law cash pre settlement funding just to get their hands off of it.


Then come the altcoins. As of the moment, there are literally thousands of it you can find. But never let that scare you. Most of the altcoins are only an alternative version of Bitcoin, but with a bit of tweak on them; hence the name. Some of the altcoins are using different algorithms like for instance, Factom is an altcoin that’s using PoS or Proof of stake. Here, there are no miners, only stakers.

These are individuals who are verifying transactions in exchange of rewards, much like miners. Rather than verifying blocks before anyone else, they’re chosen one by one and taking turns.


Among the three, some consider this as being the most interesting. These are totally unique that they don’t have blockchain of their own. They’re being used on decentralized applications or dApps. These are dApps are made to make use of smart contracts which is the reason why they are using tokens.

Posted by Bella Isolde

Applying For A Cryptocurrency Loan?

Almost all people know what you are talking about when borrowing money. Then you go to the bank and you may receive a sum of money. For example, to start your own business, you can contact traditional or non-traditional financial institutions such as New Horizons. Yet nowadays there are also other things that you can borrow than the euro. Namely cryptocurrency. But how can you borrow such a cryptocurrency? Let’s take a look at Bitcoin Lending.

What is Bitcoin lending?

This is a way for bitcoin holders to earn extra money. You lend your cryptocurrency to someone else for a certain amount. It works just like fiat money or just borrow money. In this way, you can also borrow cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is sometimes used as collateral for loans, but that is not the case here. The whole idea is that someone will borrow cryptocurrency to make a profit with it.

Finally, after a certain period, he returns the cryptocurrency to the original owner, with an extra sum of money. The borrower can then sell the borrowed goods and buy a new one for a profit. This way both parties can earn a little extra. Will 2020 be the year in which cryptos will be adopted en masse?

Peer to peer borrowing

Bitcoin lending, also called bitcoin financing, is a form of peer to peer lending. But what exactly does that mean? Peer to peer borrowing is basically investing your money in a loan from a private person. It is a loan that does not involve a bank. An example of this p2p borrowing is: Someone is urgently looking for 2000 euros and you have that left. You then lend that directly to that person, who returns it with interest after a while.

The same works for cryptocurrency. Someone wants a specific cryptocurrency, you have that, you lend it to that person. After a while, it returns the amount of cryptocurrency with a sum of money. What he does well with your loan in the meantime doesn’t matter. You won’t lose anything with it.

Blockchain as an ideal loan aid

Blockchain is very useful when you want to apply for a loan. That does not only have to be borrowing money but can also be done when borrowing cryptocurrency. Many people don’t really know what blockchain is and what it actually means. That’s because it hasn’t been around that long. It was conceived at the same time with the arrival of the bitcoin system. But what is it anyway? Perhaps this article about Bitcoin for dummies helps you to understand things better.

A blockchain can easily be compared with a ledger. A lot of data, including financial facts, is stored together. The biggest difference between a ledger and a blockchain is that a ledger is linked to a specific thing. For example, the accounting of a company. A ledger is used for this.

Open and decentralized

However, a blockchain is open and decentralized, meaning that nobody owns the data. So it belongs to everyone. It is an open network in which everyone can participate if they want to. You can, therefore, compare this part with the internet. It belongs to nobody and anyone who wants can use it. The advantage of this is that the data is spread everywhere and therefore cannot easily be stolen or manipulated.

In short, a blockchain is a large list of data that everyone can see and has access to. Everyone can make an adjustment, which is immediately implemented for everyone. The advantage of a blockchain is that you can only add data at the bottom of the list. Old data cannot be deleted or modified. Because of this, many people rely on a blockchain.

This is the principle that is also used with bitcoins. Since cryptocurrency is not something tangible, you cannot just check whether someone actually has it. You can easily check that in a blockchain. You can only enter a transaction if the cryptocurrency has been sold to you before. This of course also gives a safe feeling when borrowing and lending cryptocurrency.

You agree that you purchase a quantity of cryptocurrency and that the initial owner will buy it back later. Suppose you would borrow a bitcoin from someone for € 200. Then you buy the bitcoin for, for example, € 2000, – and later the owner buys back what you borrowed from you for € 1800. You can see that money as collateral.

Conclusion borrowing cryptocurrency

Bitcoin lending is the purchase of cryptocurrency such as bitcoins with the agreement that the seller will buy back the bitcoin. In a sense, the money is the collateral for the loan. Bitcoin lending is made possible by blockchain, a long list with a lot of data that is accessible to everyone. Such a list of data is also used for other purposes, such as applying for a mortgage loan. Do you have Bitcoin in your portfolio and are you prepared to earn extra money with this? Think about securing your Bitcoins with Bitbond.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto