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Persistent is very important. Give what you can done, you'll get what you've always gotten. Success like liking yourself, liking what you do, surely price is what you pay and value is whay you get.

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Selling Gold vs. Cryptocurrencies: A Comparative Analysis

evaluating the value of gold

Deciding between selling gold and cryptocurrencies can be a complex decision for investors. Let’s delve into the characteristics of these two asset classes, examining factors such as liquidity, volatility, storage, and security to help you make informed choices about your investment portfolio. When considering the liquidity of these assets, it’s essential to assess how easily they can be converted into cash.

For gold, this evaluation involves understanding its market dynamics and the mechanisms behind its liquidity. Additionally, utilizing tools like the Gold to Cash Calculator can provide insights into the current value of your gold holdings and the potential cash returns. Similarly, understanding the liquidity of cryptocurrencies involves analyzing trading volumes, exchange platforms, and market depth. By carefully examining these factors, investors can gain a clearer understanding of how liquid their assets are and how readily they can be converted into cash when needed.


When considering the liquidity of gold and cryptocurrencies, it’s important to understand how easily these assets can be converted into cash:

  • Gold:
    • Generally, gold holds high liquidity, especially in the form of popular bullion coins like the American Eagle or South African Krugerrand.
    • You can easily convert gold to cash through dealers or pawn shops, albeit at a slight discount from the spot price.
  • Cryptocurrencies:
    • Liquidity varies widely depending on the specific cryptocurrency.
    • Major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum tend to have high liquidity and can be quickly exchanged for fiat currency on various online platforms.


Volatility is a key aspect to consider when comparing the stability of gold and cryptocurrencies:

  • Gold:
    • Historically, gold has exhibited lower volatility compared to cryptocurrencies.
    • Prices may fluctuate, but major swings are less common, making gold a relatively stable store of value.
  • Cryptocurrencies:
    • Known for their extreme price volatility, cryptocurrencies can experience rapid and significant fluctuations in value within short periods.
    • While this volatility presents opportunities for substantial gains, it also carries higher risk.


Storage methods play a crucial role in safeguarding both gold and cryptocurrencies:

  • Gold:
    • Physical gold requires secure storage to protect against theft or damage.
    • Options include home safes, bank safety deposit boxes, or specialized storage facilities.
  • Cryptocurrencies:
    • Digital assets stored in online wallets or exchanges are vulnerable to hacking and cyber theft.
    • Cold storage methods, such as hardware wallets or offline storage, offer greater security but require careful management.


Security considerations differ between gold and cryptocurrencies due to their distinct natures:

  • Gold:
    • Tangible nature provides inherent security, as physical gold cannot be hacked or manipulated digitally.
    • However, risks still exist, such as counterfeit coins or bars.
  • Cryptocurrencies:
    • Blockchain technology underlying cryptocurrencies offers strong cryptographic security.
    • Nevertheless, the decentralized and pseudonymous nature of blockchain also attracts scams and frauds, necessitating caution and due diligence.

READ ALSO: The Benefits Of Buying Gold Or Silver With Crypto


Evaluating the liquidity, volatility, storage, and security of gold and cryptocurrencies is essential for making informed investment decisions. While each asset class has its advantages and drawbacks, understanding these factors can help investors navigate the complexities of the financial markets more effectively.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

The Future of Business Transactions: Cryptocurrencies and Metal Business Cards

business cards

Cryptocurrencies and metal business cards are two innovative technologies that are shaping the future of business transactions. In this article, we’ll explore the evolving landscape of these technologies and how they work together to offer secure and efficient payment solutions while making a memorable impression.

Embracing Cryptocurrencies in Business

Cryptocurrencies have witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity over the past few years, emerging as a decentralized form of digital currency. This surge is attributed to their intrinsic security features and operational efficiency. Businesses across the globe are increasingly recognizing the potential of cryptocurrencies as a viable means of payment.

One of the key advantages is the elimination of intermediaries such as banks, which often introduce delays and additional costs to transactions. With cryptocurrencies, transactions can be executed swiftly and securely, facilitating seamless business operations.

The Rise of Metal Business Cards

Metal business cards have swiftly gained traction among businesses aiming to leave a lasting impression on their clientele. In contrast to conventional paper cards, metal variants offer unparalleled durability and longevity. These cards exude a sense of professionalism and sophistication, qualities highly valued in various industries, particularly finance.

The robustness of metal cards ensures that they endure the rigors of daily handling, maintaining their pristine appearance over time. This durability contributes to their effectiveness as a marketing tool, as they serve as a tangible symbol of reliability and attention to detail.

Synergy Between Cryptocurrencies and Metal Business Cards

The convergence of cryptocurrencies and metal business cards represents a significant leap forward in enhancing the business transaction experience. Metal business cards serve as tangible embodiments of a company’s commitment to innovation and modernity. They convey a sense of exclusivity and prestige, elevating the brand image in the eyes of potential clients.

When paired with cryptocurrencies, these metal cards offer a holistic solution that combines physical presence with cutting-edge digital payment technology. This synergy not only enhances the overall customer experience but also reinforces the perception of the business as forward-thinking and adaptable to evolving market trends.

Benefits for Businesses

Businesses that embrace both cryptocurrencies and metal business cards stand to gain a multitude of advantages in today’s competitive landscape.

Firstly, they can appeal to tech-savvy consumers who prioritize convenience and security in their payment methods. This demographic represents a growing segment of the market, making it essential for businesses to adapt to their preferences.

Secondly, by adopting metal business cards, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and leave a lasting impression on potential clients. The tangible nature of metal cards fosters a sense of credibility and trust, which can be instrumental in building long-term relationships.

Finally, the integration of cryptocurrencies and metal business cards enables businesses to streamline their transaction processes and reduce reliance on traditional payment methods. This not only improves operational efficiency but also minimizes associated costs, contributing to overall profitability and sustainability.

READ ALSO: Top Crypto Trading Applications: Tools for Success in the Digital Marketplace


In conclusion, the synergy between cryptocurrencies and metal business cards holds immense potential for revolutionizing the way businesses conduct transactions and engage with their clientele. By embracing these innovative technologies, businesses can position themselves as leaders in their respective industries and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly digital landscape.

The combined benefits of enhanced security, durability, and convenience offer a compelling proposition for businesses seeking to elevate their brand image and optimize their operational processes. As we look to the future, the integration of cryptocurrencies and metal business cards is poised to reshape the business landscape, paving the way for more seamless and efficient transactions.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

The Advantages of CFD Trading in the Cryptocurrency Market

cfd trading

Cryptocurrency trading has rapidly evolved into a dynamic and unpredictable landscape, attracting investors seeking lucrative opportunities. Amidst the volatility, Contracts for Difference (CFDs) have emerged as a powerful tool, offering distinct advantages that can amplify gains and navigate the challenges of the crypto market. When considering trading on CFDs, have a look at the Broker Breakdown project here. Find the best brokerage that meets your needs to maximize your trading potential.

What are CFDs and CFD Trading?

Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are financial derivatives that allow traders to speculate on the price movements of various assets, including cryptocurrencies, without owning the underlying assets. In CFD trading, investors enter into a contract with a broker to exchange the difference in the value of an asset from the time the contract is opened to when it is closed.

This unique financial instrument enables traders to capitalize on both rising and falling markets, providing a versatile approach to navigating the dynamic landscape of the cryptocurrency market. The appeal of CFDs lies in their flexibility, allowing traders to employ diverse strategies and benefit from the inherent volatility of the crypto space.

CFD Trading with a Trusted Broker

Choosing the right broker is the gateway to unlocking the full potential of CFD trading in the cryptocurrency market. A reliable broker acts as the bridge between you and the vast crypto market, providing a platform to execute trades seamlessly. When venturing into CFDs, selecting a broker with a solid reputation, transparent fee structures, and user-friendly interfaces is paramount.

Maximizing Gains Through Flexibility

One of the key advantages of CFD trading in the cryptocurrency market lies in its inherent flexibility. Unlike traditional asset trading, CFDs allow you to speculate on the price movements of cryptocurrencies without owning the underlying assets. This flexibility opens doors to various trading strategies, enabling you to go long or short depending on market conditions.

Going Long: Riding the Bull Market

When you anticipate a cryptocurrency’s value will rise, going long with CFDs allows you to profit from the upward movement. This means you can potentially earn significant returns even when the market is bullish, all without owning the actual cryptocurrency.

Going Short: Profiting from Market Declines

Conversely, CFDs empower you to profit from falling cryptocurrency prices by going short. This unique feature enables traders to capitalize on market downturns, making it possible to generate income regardless of whether the market is bullish or bearish.

Leverage: Magnifying Opportunities and Risks

Leverage is a double-edged sword in CFD trading. On one hand, it provides the ability to control a larger position size with a relatively small amount of capital, potentially multiplying profits. However, it’s crucial to recognize that leverage also intensifies risks, as losses can surpass the initial investment. It is imperative for traders to exercise caution and employ risk management strategies when utilizing leverage in the crypto market.

Unique Trading Opportunities in the Crypto Market

CFD trading in the cryptocurrency market unveils unique opportunities that may not be available in traditional financial markets. Cryptocurrencies operate 24/7, allowing traders to react swiftly to market developments. Moreover, the abundance of cryptocurrencies provides a diverse array of assets to trade, each with its own set of opportunities and risks.

Understanding the Mechanics of CFDs

To harness the advantages of CFD trading in the cryptocurrency market, it’s essential to grasp the mechanics of CFDs. A Contract for Difference is essentially an agreement between a trader and a broker to exchange the difference in the value of an asset from the time the contract is opened to when it is closed.

No Ownership, Just Speculation

Unlike traditional investments, CFDs do not grant ownership of the underlying asset. Instead, traders speculate on the price movements, allowing for greater flexibility in trading strategies.

Margin Trading: The Power of Leverage

CFD trading often involves margin trading, where traders only need to deposit a fraction of the total trade value. This leverage magnifies both potential gains and losses, emphasizing the importance of careful risk management.

Optimizing Your Cryptocurrency Trading Portfolio

Achieving success in CFD trading requires a thoughtful and strategic approach to portfolio management. Diversification, risk assessment, and staying informed about market trends are essential components of optimizing a cryptocurrency trading portfolio.

Diversification: Balancing Risk and Reward

Diversifying your CFD portfolio across different cryptocurrencies can help mitigate risks. While some assets may experience volatility, others may remain more stable, providing a balance that cushions against potential losses.

Risk Management: Safeguarding Your Capital

Effective risk management is the bedrock of successful CFD trading. Setting stop-loss orders, defining risk tolerance, and continuously reassessing your portfolio are crucial steps to safeguarding your capital in the unpredictable crypto market.

READ ALSO: The Importance of Learning About Cryptocurrency

In Conclusion: Navigating the Crypto Market with CFDs

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency trading, leveraging the advantages of CFDs can be a game-changer. From flexibility and leverage to unique trading opportunities, CFDs provide a versatile toolkit for navigating the highs and lows of the crypto market. Remember, choosing the right broker is your first step, and strategic portfolio optimization is the key to maximizing gains while minimizing risks.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Trading Cryptocurrencies in Indonesia: Exploring Trends, Preferences, and Reasons Behind Them

Indonesia’s trading landscape has traditionally been dominated by conventional markets such as stocks, commodities, and forex. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards cryptocurrency trading, marking a significant departure from the established norms. This gradual transition is facilitated by the emergence of professional trading brokers like Quotex ( who offer expertise, guidance, and access to digital asset markets, empowering Indonesians to explore this new frontier of finance with confidence and security.

Understanding the Indonesian Crypto Scene

Indonesia has emerged as a significant player in the global cryptocurrency market, with a burgeoning community of traders and investors navigating the regulatory landscape and exploring diverse digital assets.

  • Booming Industry: The cryptocurrency industry in Indonesia has experienced exponential growth in recent years, fueled by increasing adoption, technological innovation, and changing attitudes towards digital finance.
  • Regulatory Landscape: Despite regulatory challenges and uncertainty, the Indonesian government has shown a proactive approach to understanding and regulating cryptocurrencies, signaling a potential shift towards greater acceptance and integration.
  • Diverse Market: Indonesian traders have access to a diverse array of cryptocurrencies, ranging from established players like Bitcoin and Ethereum to newer, more niche altcoins, catering to a wide range of investment preferences and strategies.

Trends in Cryptocurrency Trading

The cryptocurrency trading landscape in Indonesia is characterized by several notable trends that reflect the evolving nature of the market and the preferences of local traders.

  • Rising Popularity: Cryptocurrency trading has become increasingly mainstream in Indonesia, driven by factors such as media coverage, social influence, and the allure of potential profits in a rapidly evolving market.
  • Youthful Demographic: The majority of cryptocurrency traders in Indonesia are young adults, drawn to the technology’s disruptive potential, financial opportunities, and digital-native lifestyle.
  • Mobile Trading: The widespread adoption of smartphones and mobile apps has facilitated the growth of mobile trading platforms, empowering Indonesian traders to participate in the cryptocurrency market on the go, with convenience and accessibility as key drivers.

Preferences in Trading Platforms

When it comes to choosing a trading platform, Indonesian traders have distinct preferences shaped by factors such as usability, security, and local support.

  • Local Exchanges: Indonesian traders often prefer local cryptocurrency exchanges due to their familiarity with the platform, ease of use, and localized customer support, fostering a sense of trust and reliability.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces are highly valued by Indonesian traders, who prioritize platforms that offer a seamless trading experience and robust features, catering to both novice and experienced users.
  • Security Features: With cybersecurity threats on the rise, Indonesian traders prioritize platforms that prioritize security measures such as two-factor authentication, cold storage, and regulatory compliance, safeguarding their assets and personal information.

Reasons Behind Trading Cryptocurrencies

The decision to trade cryptocurrencies is influenced by a multitude of factors, ranging from financial motivations to ideological beliefs and aspirations for a better future.

  • Potential for High Returns: Many Indonesians are attracted to cryptocurrency trading by the potential for high returns, driven by the market’s volatility, speculative nature, and the allure of discovering the next big investment opportunity.
  • Diversification of Investments: Cryptocurrencies offer Indonesians a means to diversify their investment portfolios beyond traditional assets like stocks and real estate, providing exposure to a new asset class with unique risk-return profiles and growth prospects.
  • Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrency presents an opportunity for financial inclusion in Indonesia, empowering individuals with limited access to traditional banking services to participate in global financial markets, transact peer-to-peer, and build wealth independently.

The Role of Trading Brokers in Indonesia

Trading brokers play a vital role in facilitating cryptocurrency transactions and providing essential services to Indonesian traders, ensuring a seamless and secure trading experience.

  • Key Players: Trading brokers serve as intermediaries between buyers and sellers in the cryptocurrency market, offering a platform for traders to execute trades, manage their portfolios, and access liquidity, with reliability and transparency as core principles.
  • Educational Resources: Many trading brokers offer educational resources, market analysis, and trading tools to empower Indonesian traders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market, make informed decisions, and mitigate risks effectively.
  • Compliance and Regulation: Trading brokers operating in Indonesia are subject to regulatory oversight and compliance requirements, aimed at safeguarding investor interests, preventing financial crimes, and maintaining market integrity, fostering trust and accountability within the industry.

READ ALSO: The Advantages of CFD Trading in the Cryptocurrency Market


As Indonesia continues to embrace cryptocurrency trading, understanding the prevailing trends, preferences, and motivations of local traders is paramount for stakeholders looking to navigate the market successfully and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

The Interplay of Plastic and Crypto: Exploring the Impact of Credit Cards on the Cryptocurrency Landscape

Cryptocurrencies and credit card

Plastic meets crypto, a profound interplay unfolds, reshaping the financial landscape. The advent of credit cards like Indigo has long been a cornerstone of conventional finance, but how does this ubiquitous plastic instrument influence the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency? Let’s delve into the intricate connections and explore the multifaceted impact on the cryptocurrency landscape. Activate Indigo card now for more credit card ideas.

Credit Cards as Gateways to Crypto Adoption

The Bridging Mechanism

Credit cards, often viewed as the bridge between traditional and digital finance, play a pivotal role in fueling the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency exchanges, recognizing the need for user-friendly on-ramps, have seamlessly integrated credit card transactions. This streamlined approach simplifies the acquisition of digital assets, offering an accessible entry point for individuals exploring the crypto space.

Risk and Reward: Navigating the Crypto Landscape with Credit

Balancing Act

While credit cards facilitate crypto accessibility, their usage in the digital realm poses unique challenges. Volatility in the cryptocurrency market introduces an element of risk, necessitating a delicate balance for users leveraging credit to invest in digital assets. The allure of potential rewards must be weighed against the inherent uncertainties, prompting a thoughtful consideration of financial strategies.

Regulatory Dynamics: Navigating Compliance in Crypto Transactions

Legal Landscape

As the interplay between credit cards and cryptocurrency intensifies, regulatory considerations come to the forefront. Governments and financial institutions are scrutinizing transactions to ensure compliance with existing laws. Striking a delicate balance between financial innovation and regulatory compliance is imperative to foster a secure and sustainable crypto ecosystem.

Security Paradigm: Addressing Concerns in Credit Card Crypto Transactions

Fortifying the Connection

Security concerns have been a recurring theme in the discourse surrounding credit card transactions within the crypto space. It is crucial to implement robust security measures to fortify this interplay. Two-factor authentication, encryption protocols, and proactive monitoring systems are integral components that safeguard users’ financial data and bolster confidence in the evolving synergy between plastic and crypto.

The Role of Credit Cards in Shaping Cryptocurrency Market Trends

Influencing Market Dynamics

Credit cards wield significant influence over the cryptocurrency market, shaping trends and dictating user behavior. The ease of transaction afforded by credit cards contributes to liquidity, fostering a dynamic market environment. Understanding these market dynamics is essential for both seasoned investors and those navigating the crypto landscape for the first time.

Future Horizons: Emerging Trends in Credit Card-Crypto Integration

Forward Momentum

As technology evolves, so too does the integration between credit cards and cryptocurrencies. Emerging trends, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and innovative payment solutions, are poised to redefine the interplay between plastic and crypto. Staying attuned to these developments is key for businesses, investors, and enthusiasts alike.

Learn more about cryptocurrencies starting with this article: Unveiling the Cryptocurrency Veil: Decoding Bitcoin Tumblers for Unparalleled Transaction Privacy and Security

In conclusion, the intersection of credit cards and cryptocurrencies is a realm of perpetual evolution, where traditional financial instruments and cutting-edge digital assets coalesce. This symbiotic relationship holds immense potential, yet demands a nuanced understanding of the associated risks and opportunities. As we navigate this ever-shifting landscape, the interplay of plastic and crypto continues to carve new pathways in the financial paradigm.


Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Unveiling the Cryptocurrency Veil: Decoding Bitcoin Tumblers for Unparalleled Transaction Privacy and Security

Is bitcoins traceable

Ever wondered if bitcoins traceable? Bitcoin tumblers have emerged as a crucial tool for those seeking heightened transaction privacy and security. As advocates for the seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies with financial privacy, we look into the intricacies of Bitcoin tumblers, dissecting their effectiveness and impact on ensuring confidential and secure transactions.

Understanding Bitcoin Tumblers

What are Bitcoin Tumblers?

Bitcoin tumblers, often referred to as mixers or blenders, are innovative services designed to enhance the privacy of cryptocurrency transactions. In essence, they obfuscate the trail of transactions, making it challenging for prying eyes to trace the origin and destination of funds.

How Bitcoin Tumblers Work

These tools function by aggregating multiple transactions into a single pool, mixing them together, and then redistributing the funds to their intended recipients. This intricate process introduces a layer of complexity that baffles any attempts at tracing the flow of funds. Anonymity becomes the cornerstone of Bitcoin tumblers, elevating the security and privacy of transactions to unprecedented levels.

The Necessity of Transaction Privacy

Escaping the Watchful Eye

In a world where data is often regarded as the new currency, the need for financial privacy has never been more critical. Bitcoin, despite its decentralized nature, is not entirely immune to surveillance. Governments, institutions, and malicious actors constantly seek to unveil the identities behind transactions. Bitcoin tumblers serve as a shield against such intrusive attempts, allowing users to reclaim the essence of true financial autonomy.

Protecting Against Transaction Analysis

Transaction analysis, a method employed by blockchain analysts to scrutinize the flow of funds, poses a significant threat to individual privacy. Bitcoin tumblers disrupt this analysis by introducing a layer of indistinguishability, making it virtually impossible to link transactions to specific individuals or entities.

Evaluating the Effectiveness

Robustness of Bitcoin Tumblers

The effectiveness of Bitcoin tumblers lies in their ability to create a complex web of transactions, confounding even the most sophisticated tracking tools. This robustness ensures that the privacy and security promised by these tumblers are not just theoretical but practical solutions to the constant threat of surveillance.

Real-world Use Cases

Numerous real-world use cases highlight the practical advantages of Bitcoin tumblers. From protecting the financial details of high-profile individuals to shielding businesses from competitors’ prying eyes, the versatility of these tools cannot be overstated.

Overcoming Criticisms and Challenges

Addressing Legitimacy Concerns

Critics often raise concerns about the potential misuse of Bitcoin tumblers for illicit activities. However, it is essential to acknowledge that, like any tool, the intent behind its usage is determined by the user. Bitcoin tumblers, when utilized responsibly, provide a legitimate means for individuals and businesses to safeguard their financial privacy.

Regulatory Landscape

Navigating the regulatory landscape is a challenge for any emerging technology. Bitcoin tumblers are no exception. However, ongoing dialogue and collaboration between regulators and the cryptocurrency community can pave the way for a balanced approach that ensures privacy without compromising the integrity of financial systems.

Learn more about bitcoin and cryptocurrency with this related article: The Advantages of CFD Trading in the Cryptocurrency Market

Conclusion: Unveiling a New Era of Financial Privacy

In conclusion, Bitcoin tumblers stand as formidable guardians of financial privacy and security in the digital age. Their role in ensuring the confidentiality of transactions cannot be overstated, providing individuals and businesses with the means to reclaim control over their financial information.


Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Top Crypto Trading Applications: Tools for Success in the Digital Marketplace

Cryptocurrency trading has surged in popularity, and with it, the demand for efficient and reliable crypto trading applications has reached new heights. Your choice of crypto trading app should be based on tested trading algorithms (read more about trading algorithms on Crypto News). These platforms serve as the gateway to the dynamic world of digital assets, offering tools that can make or break a trader’s success. In this exploration of the top crypto trading applications, we’ll delve into the features, security measures, and user-friendliness that set these platforms apart. Choosing the right application is crucial, aligning with individual trading goals and risk tolerance. Join us on this journey into the realm of crypto trading applications.

Exploring the Landscape

The crypto market is teeming with diverse trading applications, each vying for attention with unique offerings. Let’s compare some of the leading platforms to help you navigate this digital landscape.

1. Coinbase

  • Features:
    • Intuitive user interface for beginners.
    • Wide range of supported cryptocurrencies.
    • Educational resources for users.
  • Security Measures:
    • Two-factor authentication (2FA).
    • Cold storage for the majority of user funds.
  • User-Friendliness:
    • Simple onboarding process.
    • Mobile and web platforms for accessibility.

2. Binance

  • Features:
    • Extensive range of trading pairs.
    • Advanced charting tools for experienced traders.
    • Binance Coin (BNB) discounts on trading fees.
  • Security Measures:
    • Multi-tier and multi-cluster system architecture.
    • SAFU (Secure Asset Fund for Users) for added protection.
  • User-Friendliness:
    • Customizable dashboard for personalized trading experience.
    • Binance app for trading on the go.

3. Kraken

  • Features:
    • Futures trading for advanced strategies.
    • Staking options for earning passive income.
    • OTC (Over-the-Counter) trading desk for large transactions.
  • Security Measures:
    • Cryptographic proof of reserves.
    • Global settings lock for account security.
  • User-Friendliness:
    • Tiered verification for varying user needs.
    • TradingView integration for in-depth analysis.

The Importance of Choosing Wisely

Selecting the right crypto trading application is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Your choice should align with your trading goals and risk tolerance. Consider the following factors before making a decision:

  • Trading Goals:
    • Are you a long-term investor or a day trader?
    • Does the platform support the specific cryptocurrencies you’re interested in?
  • Risk Tolerance:
    • Evaluate the platform’s security measures.
    • Look for insurance coverage in case of unforeseen events.

Tools for Informed Decision-Making

In the fast-paced world of crypto trading, staying informed is key. Top-tier trading applications provide a suite of tools for market analysis, portfolio management, and real-time tracking.

  • Market Analysis Tools:
    • Candlestick charts, technical indicators, and real-time market data.
    • News aggregators for staying updated on market trends.
  • Portfolio Management:
    • Customizable dashboards for a comprehensive overview.
    • Tax reporting features for hassle-free filing.
  • Real-Time Tracking:
    • Instant price alerts for timely decision-making.
    • Live order book and trade history.

READ ALSO: Understanding The Key Features Of Cryptocurrencies

Conclusion: Navigating the Crypto Seas

In the vast ocean of crypto trading, the right application acts as a reliable compass, guiding you toward success. Whether you opt for the user-friendly simplicity of Coinbase, the extensive features of Binance, or the advanced options on Kraken, understanding your needs is paramount. Embrace the tools at your disposal, and may your crypto trading journey be prosperous.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Managing Risk in SMSF Property Investment: A Financial Perspective

learn to trade cryptocurrencies

The world of self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) has become an increasingly popular avenue for individuals seeking to take control of their retirement savings. Among the various investment options available to SMSF trustees, property investment holds a special place (more info at However, it’s essential for those considering SMSF property investments to understand and manage the associated risks effectively. In this article, we will explore the diverse risks that come with SMSF property investments and provide insights on how to protect your financial assets for long-term success. Additionally, we will delve into the role cryptocurrencies can play in managing these risks.

Understanding SMSF Property Investment Risks

SMSF property investment can be a rewarding venture, but it is not without its share of risks. To successfully navigate these potential pitfalls, trustees should be aware of the following risks:

1. Market Risk

Property markets can be volatile, experiencing fluctuations in property values. Trustees must be prepared for the possibility of property values declining and the impact it may have on their SMSF’s overall financial health.

2. Liquidity Risk

Investing in property can tie up a significant portion of an SMSF’s funds, reducing liquidity. Trustees may encounter difficulties accessing cash for other investment opportunities or for meeting SMSF expenses.

3. Property-Specific Risks

Each property comes with its unique set of risks, such as maintenance costs, vacancies, and location-specific factors that can affect rental income and property value.

4. Regulatory and Compliance Risks

SMSFs are subject to strict regulations and compliance requirements. Failing to adhere to these rules can result in financial penalties, making it crucial to stay informed about SMSF rules and changes.

5. Concentration Risk

Overexposure to a single property or property type can lead to concentration risk. Diversification is a fundamental risk management strategy to avoid potential losses.

Effective Risk Management Strategies

To protect your SMSF’s financial assets and ensure long-term success in property investments, consider the following strategies:

1. Diversify Your SMSF Portfolio

Diversification is a powerful tool for managing risk. By spreading your investments across various asset classes, including different property types and geographical areas, you can mitigate the impact of market fluctuations.

2. Stay Informed

Regularly update your knowledge about SMSF rules, property market trends, and potential changes in legislation. Seek advice from financial advisers to ensure you remain compliant and informed.

3. Maintain a Contingency Fund

Having a contingency fund within your SMSF can provide a safety net for unforeseen expenses or periods of low rental income. This fund can help you avoid having to sell a property during unfavorable market conditions.

4. Consider Property Management Services

Engaging professional property management services can help alleviate the day-to-day responsibilities of property ownership. They can assist in tenant selection, maintenance, and rent collection, reducing the burden on trustees.

5. Leverage Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity as an alternative investment asset class. They can offer liquidity and diversification benefits for SMSFs. Here’s how cryptocurrencies can help manage risks in property investments:

– Liquidity: Cryptocurrencies provide a liquid asset class that can be easily bought, sold, and transferred. This liquidity can offset the illiquidity of property investments.

– Diversification: Adding cryptocurrencies to your SMSF portfolio can increase diversification, reducing concentration risk associated with property investments.

– Hedge Against Market Fluctuations: Some investors view cryptocurrencies as a hedge against economic instability and currency devaluation. This can potentially help protect your SMSF against market risks.

READ ALSO: Understanding Cryptocurrency And Its Fundamental Concepts


SMSF property investments can be a valuable addition to your retirement strategy, but they come with inherent risks. Effective risk management is essential to protect your financial assets and ensure long-term success. Diversification, staying informed, maintaining a contingency fund, and leveraging cryptocurrencies are some of the strategies that can help you navigate these risks successfully. It’s crucial to consult with financial advisers and experts to make well-informed decisions and safeguard your SMSF’s future.

In this ever-evolving financial landscape, adapting to change and exploring innovative solutions is essential. By understanding the risks and implementing strategic risk management techniques, SMSF trustees can safeguard their financial assets and secure a prosperous future for their self-managed superannuation funds.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Cryptocurrency Mining

Snapchat’s Strategic Integration of Cryptocurrency


In the world of social media, where stories and images paint a vivid tapestry of our daily lives, Snapchat has carved its own unique niche. Known for its ephemeral and engaging platform, Snapchat has captured the hearts of millions with its Cameo Stories feature (see also:, which allows users to share short video snippets of their lives. But the Snapchat saga doesn’t end there. In a move that has piqued the interest of tech enthusiasts and cryptocurrency aficionados alike, the platform has strategically delved into the world of digital currency.

The Rise of Cryptocurrency

Before we dive into Snapchat’s cryptocurrency integration, let’s set the stage with a brief glimpse into the world of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency, a digital form of currency built on blockchain technology, has been making waves in recent years. Its roots can be traced back to the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin, which emerged in 2009. Since then, cryptocurrency has evolved, with countless digital coins and tokens gracing the market.

This decentralized digital currency has not only transformed the financial landscape but has also found its way into various industries, from finance and gaming to art and real estate. It’s only natural that social media platforms would take notice of this transformative technology.

Snapchat’s Foray into Cryptocurrency

Snapchat’s journey into the realm of cryptocurrency wasn’t abrupt; it was a carefully calculated move. The platform announced its cryptocurrency integration in early 2023, creating a buzz in the tech world. Snapchat’s journey into the world of cryptocurrency started with the development of its native blockchain technology. This technology is the foundation for its very own cryptocurrency, aptly named “Snap Tokens.”

But why did Snapchat decide to venture into cryptocurrency in the first place? The reasons are multifaceted. Not only does it present an opportunity for Snapchat to stand out in the crowded social media landscape, but it also opens up new avenues for user engagement and monetization.

Understanding the Technology

To grasp the significance of Snapchat’s cryptocurrency integration, we need to delve into the underlying blockchain technology. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. It offers transparency, security, and immutability, making it an ideal foundation for cryptocurrencies.

Snapchat’s cryptocurrency, Snap Tokens, relies on this blockchain technology to facilitate secure and transparent transactions within its platform. These tokens can be used for various purposes, from purchasing premium content to tipping content creators.

Use Cases for Snapchat’s Cryptocurrency

Snap Tokens have a myriad of use cases within the Snapchat ecosystem. Users can earn these tokens by engaging with the platform, such as by creating popular Cameo Stories or participating in various challenges. The earned tokens can then be used to unlock exclusive features, access premium content, or even tip their favorite content creators.

What truly sets Snapchat apart is its innovative approach to integrating cryptocurrency. The platform has introduced unique features like “Snapchat Challenges,” where users can participate and earn Snap Tokens while having fun and connecting with their friends.

READ ALSO: Understanding The Key Features Of Cryptocurrencies

Potential Impacts and Benefits

As Snapchat pioneers the integration of cryptocurrency in the social media space, it brings both potential impacts and benefits to the table. Users may find the ability to monetize their content through Snap Tokens enticing, potentially driving higher engagement and creativity on the platform. Snapchat, in turn, can expect increased user retention and a competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of social media.

Challenges and Concerns

However, with great innovation comes great responsibility. The introduction of cryptocurrency on Snapchat also raises legitimate concerns. Security and privacy are paramount, as users need to trust the platform with their digital assets. Additionally, regulatory challenges in the cryptocurrency space can’t be overlooked, and Snapchat must navigate these waters carefully.

A Closer Look at Snap Tokens

Let’s take a deeper dive into Snap Tokens themselves. These tokens are the lifeblood of Snapchat’s cryptocurrency ecosystem. Their unique properties, such as security features and the ability to facilitate microtransactions, set them apart from other cryptocurrencies in the market.

The Competition and the Future

While Snapchat’s foray into cryptocurrency is certainly pioneering, it’s not without competition. Other social media platforms are also exploring cryptocurrency integration. It will be interesting to see how Snapchat’s Snap Tokens compare and compete in this evolving landscape. As the technology continues to mature, the future of cryptocurrency on Snapchat appears promising.


In conclusion, Snapchat’s strategic integration of cryptocurrency is more than just a technological leap; it’s a creative and engaging evolution of the platform. With Snap Tokens, users have a new way to engage with their favorite content and creators, while Snapchat enhances its position in the social media universe. As we look to the future, the potential for cryptocurrency on Snapchat is boundless, offering an exciting new chapter in the platform’s journey. So, stay tuned for more Cameo Stories and Snap Tokens as Snapchat continues to innovate and lead the way in social media’s ever-evolving landscape.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

The Importance of Learning About Cryptocurrency

In the rapidly evolving landscape of finance and technology, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a disruptive force with the potential to reshape the way you conduct transactions, invest, and store value. Understanding and learning about cryptocurrency has become increasingly important for individuals and businesses alike.

Financial Literacy

Cryptocurrency is not just a passing trend; it represents a fundamental shift in the way you think about money and finance. Learning about cryptocurrencies enhances financial literacy, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their investments, savings, and financial future.

Investment Opportunities

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have shown the potential for substantial returns on investment. However, they also come with risks. Learning about crypto enables individuals to evaluate these opportunities and risks more effectively, leading to better investment decisions.

Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Understanding The Key Features Of Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets that utilize cryptography for secure and private transactions. The pioneer and arguably the most famous cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was introduced in 2009 by an anonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto. From that time, numerous other cryptocurrencies, commonly referred to as “altcoins,” have occurred, each with its own unique features and use cases.

Key Features and Benefits

Decentralization: Unlike traditional fiat currencies that are controlled by central banks and governments, cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks. This means that no single entity has absolute control over the currency, promoting transparency and reducing the risk of manipulation.

Security: Cryptocurrencies use strong cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and wallets. This significantly reduces the risk of fraud, hacking, and identity theft.

Global Accessibility: Cryptocurrencies transcend geographical boundaries, enabling seamless and instantaneous cross-border transactions. This has the potential to revolutionize remittances and international trade.


Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Understanding Cryptocurrency And Its Fundamental Concepts

Cryptocurrency has emerged as one of the most revolutionary concepts in the world of finance and technology. With its decentralized nature and secure transactions, it has captured the attention of investors, tech enthusiasts, and even governments. In order to fully comprehend this digital phenomenon, it is essential to understand its fundamental concepts and how they shape the future of our financial landscape.

Concepts in cryptocurrency

One key concept in cryptocurrency is blockchain technology. A blockchain is a distributed ledger that records all transactions made with a particular cryptocurrency. It ensures transparency and immutability by storing transaction data across multiple computers or nodes within the network.

Another crucial concept is mining. Mining involves verifying and adding new transactions to the blockchain through complex mathematical calculations performed by powerful computers. Miners are rewarded with newly minted coins as an incentive for their computational efforts.

Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

How Crypto is Changing the Financial System

Cryptocurrency is one of the most talked-about topics in the financial world today. It has been rapidly gaining popularity and is changing the way people think about money. Cryptocurrency opened up a new way to make payments, store value, and transfer money without relying on a third party or government.

Taking Advantage of the Opportunities Offered By Crypto Investing

With the rise of digital currencies and blockchain technology, investors now have access to a range of new investment options that weren’t available before. Crypto investing can be incredibly lucrative but also comes with its own set of risks. It is important for investors to understand these risks and take advantage of the opportunities presented by crypto investing in order to maximize their returns. By understanding the different types of investments available, you can make informed decisions about which investments are right for you.

Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

The Benefits Of Buying Gold Or Silver With Crypto

Cryptocurrencies have reformed the way you transact and invest. One of the most popular ways to invest in cryptocurrencies is to buy gold and silver with them. When you buy gold and silver from Goldcore with cryptocurrencies, you can expect a number of advantages over traditional methods. This includes convenience, cost savings, privacy, and security.

Cryptocurrency transactions are secure, fast, and cost-effective. They also offer more privacy than traditional payment methods. The transactions are recorded on a decentralized ledger instead of a centralized database. Furthermore, you can easily convert cryptocurrency payments into fiat currency or other digital assets like gold and silver. This makes it easier for investors to diversify their portfolios without having to convert their funds into different currencies or assets first.


What are cryptocurrencies and how can you use them to buy gold and silver?

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions. They are decentralized, meaning that no single entity controls them, and they operate on a peer-to-peer network.

You can use cryptocurrencies to purchase gold and silver in a variety of ways. You can use them to buy physical gold or silver from retailers who accept crypto payments, or you can invest in gold-backed tokens which represent a certain amount of physical gold stored in vaults. Whatever method you choose, it’s important to understand the risks involved before investing your hard-earned money.

Pros of investing in gold and silver with cryptocurrencies

Investing in both these asset classes can offer investors a number of advantages, such as diversification, hedging against inflation, and an alternative to traditional fiat currency. Through cryptocurrency, investors can now gain access to the precious metals market and benefit from the unique advantages that come with investing in this asset class.

Cons of investing in gold and silver with cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. This makes investing in precious metals with cryptocurrencies a risky proposition as the value of your investment can go down as well as up. Additionally, there is no guarantee that you will be able to liquidate your cryptocurrency holdings into physical gold or silver if the need arises. Lastly, exchanges that facilitate the trading of precious metals with cryptocurrencies may charge high fees for transactions, reducing your returns on investment.

Investing in gold and silver with cryptocurrencies can be a great way to protect your wealth. However, there are both pros and cons that you should take into consideration before investing.


Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

How Cryptocurrency Is Altering The Global Economy

Humans use cryptocurrencies as a medium of exchange, store of value, and investment asset. Additionally, they provide a secure way to store wealth without relying on traditional banking institutions. As more people and businesses adopt cryptocurrencies, their impact on the global economy will continue to grow. This could lead to increased financial inclusion for those who may not be able to access traditional banking services.

How cryptocurrency can benefit the economy as a whole

Cryptocurrency offers a new way of moving money without relying on central banks or intermediaries, making transactions faster, cheaper, and more secure. Additionally, it can help reduce the costs associated with global payments, providing more access to financial services for people in developing countries. With the right regulations in place, cryptocurrency could be a powerful tool to benefit the economy as a whole.

Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Comparing the Best Cryptocurrencies for Towing Companies

Cryptocurrency has been gaining traction in the business world, and the towing industry is no exception. As cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity, more and more towing businesses like towing Santa Clara CA are looking for ways to incorporate it into their operations. By understanding how cryptocurrency works and its potential applications for the towing industry, businesses can take advantage of this new technology and make their operations more efficient and secure. This article will explore how cryptocurrency works, its potential applications for the towing industry, and how it could revolutionize the way tow truck companies do business.

Advantages of Accepting Cryptocurrency for Payment in the Towing Business

Cryptocurrency has become an increasingly popular payment method for businesses in recent years, and the towing industry is no exception. By accepting cryptocurrency payments, tow truck companies can benefit from lower transaction fees and faster processing times than traditional payment methods. Additionally, crypto payment gateways and processors provide extra security measures to protect customers’ funds and data. With these advantages, it’s easy to see why more tow truck companies are choosing to accept cryptocurrency payments.

Read also: Some Of The Key Benefits Of Cryptocurrencies

Which Cryptocurrencies are Best Suited For a Towing Company?

As a towing company, you know that time is of the essence. When a driver is stranded on the side of the road, they need a quick and reliable solution to get them moving again. That’s where cryptocurrencies come in. With their fast transaction speeds and low fees, cryptocurrencies can be a great option for your towing company. But which cryptocurrencies are best suited for your needs? In this article, we’ll explore some of the top cryptocurrencies for a towing company.

  • Bitcoin (BTC). Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency, and for good reason. It has the largest market cap, and it’s widely accepted by merchants around the world. For a towing company, Bitcoin can be a great option because of its fast transaction speeds and low fees. This means that you can quickly and easily process payments from customers without having to worry about high fees eating into your profits.
  • Ethereum (ETH). Ethereum is another popular cryptocurrency that’s well-suited for a towing company. One of the biggest advantages of Ethereum is its smart contract technology. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements, which store the conditions of the contract within their code. This eliminates the need for intermediaries and enables you to automate various areas of your business, like billing and invoicing.
  • Litecoin (LTC). Litecoin is often called the “silver to Bitcoin’s gold.” It’s a faster and more affordable alternative to Bitcoin, with faster block times and lower fees. For a towing company, this can be a great option because you can process payments quickly and easily without having to worry about high fees eating into your profits.
  • Ripple (XRP). Ripple is a cryptocurrency that’s designed specifically for the financial industry. It’s often used by banks and financial institutions to facilitate cross-border payments. However, it can also be a great option for a towing company. With Ripple, you can process payments quickly and easily, and you can also take advantage of its built-in currency exchange.
  • Stellar (XLM). Stellar is another cryptocurrency that’s designed specifically for cross-border payments. It’s often used by remittance companies to facilitate fast and affordable money transfers. For a towing company, Stellar can be a great option because it allows you to process payments quickly and easily, no matter where your customers are located.

Conclusion: Cryptocurrencies for Towing Business

As a towing company, you need a fast and reliable payment solution. Cryptocurrencies can be a great option because of their fast transaction speeds and low fees. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and Stellar are all excellent choices for a towing company. Consider implementing one or more of these cryptocurrencies into your payment processing system to improve the speed and efficiency of your business.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Block Chain Crypto, Crypto

How Crypto Is Transforming the Global Economy

Cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing the global economy and transforming the way you conduct financial transactions. They offer a secure, fast, and cost-effective alternative to traditional payment methods. This comprehensive guide will provide an overview of how cryptocurrencies work, their potential applications, and the challenges they face in becoming mainstream.

In general, these digital currencies have three main properties. These are peer-to-peer technology that allows people from all over the world to trade with each other directly, cryptographic technology that makes transactions secure, and decentralized control.

Exploring the Advantages of Crypto Currency

Cryptocurrency has become a popular form of digital money, offering many advantages over traditional fiat currency. Cryptocurrency is powered by blockchain technology. This is a secure and transparent way to record transactions and store data. This technology provides numerous benefits, such as faster transaction speeds, lower fees, and increased security.

Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Advantages Of Paying With Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency is a new means of payment based on blockchain technology. In fact, it is about smart cryptography or encryption that creates unique and shareable digital currencies. Cryptocurrency transaction costs are low. You can make payments almost instantly and anywhere in the world.

High level of privacy

In order to be able to carry out transactions through a bank, you must provide extensive personal data. Cryptocurrency payments do not require you to provide any personal information and transactions are anonymous. The level of privacy and anonymity differs from currency to currency.

Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Some Of The Key Benefits Of Cryptocurrencies

Anyone who understands how the general monetary system works, who benefits from it, and who manipulates it, has an advantage.  Anyone cannot manipulate decentralized markets.

Access for everyone

Cryptocurrencies offer extremely great potential precisely for people who have access to the internet and smartphone.

Instant Settlement

Both the processing of classic transactions such as online transfers and the purchase of tangible assets take a lot of time due to delays caused by third parties.

Transactions in cryptocurrencies can usually be carried out in seconds or minutes.

Posted by Merlyn Sandra

Tips When Investing In Cryptocurrencies

If prefer to look for something more long-term then you can invest in crypto securities.

A few basic tips for investing in cryptocurrencies

As with all forms of investment, it is advisable to diversify over several different investments in order to minimize the risk of total loss.

It is also important to compare different providers. The fees for transactions, for example, can vary massively.

Due to the high volatility of cryptocurrencies, it is advisable to approach the matter as unemotionally as possible. Buy outside of the hype and test different options with small amounts.

When transferring cryptocurrencies from a broker to your wallet or back, make sure to use the correct address. A simple typo and your coins or tokens are gone.

Cryptocurrencies held for at least a year are tax-free but before that, gains are subject to income tax.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

What Is Cryptocurrency Mining And Its Benefits

Cryptocurrency mining is free money, but only if you are smart enough. You can earn by contributing to the software technology that runs the crypto blockchain.

Mining is the lifeline of the crypto world. It validates ongoing transactions and puts new coins into circulation. In simple terms, a miner solves some compound math problems to authenticate transactions.

It is the process by which a miner trades computing power and electricity for the block reward. The block reward is an incentive for miners to help support the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies.

The benefits of Crypto Mining

If you are a crypto-miner and view bitcoin360ai here (bekijk bitcoin360ai hier), then it could be a good side gig. With a little examination, you can make passive income based on computing skill without doing anything about it.

Next, you can be a vital part of the crypto movement as miners. You can be one of the main contributors to making decentralized finance a reality.

Finally, you have the right to veto any changes to network protocols.


Cryptocurrency mined vs. unmined cryptocurrency

A consensus mechanism is a process of approving transactions in a decentralized system such as a blockchain. It also helps keep the system safe from possible vulnerabilities such as a 51% attack.

A 51% attack is a condition where a bad performer controls more than 51% of the blockchain. This majority empowers the fraudster to shape the protocols according to the will. A consensus mechanism supports power decentralized. Such a degree of decentralization requires enormous computing capabilities and work to do a 51% attack. Eventually, a scammer is expected to lose more than he would win.

There are lots of consensus methods such as proof of work, proof of stake, proof of capacity, and proof of activity.

Depending on the type of consensus mechanism, cryptocurrencies may require mining or otherwise.

Mined cryptocurrency

Blockchains that utilize a proof-of-work consensus mechanism require mining. They make use of miners for approving inputs. Whenever transactions rise for verification, miners begin competing to solve a 64-digit hexadecimal number.

The first to find the solution broadcasts it across the network as proof of work. This victory rewards the winner while others wait for the next challenge.

Bitcoin and Ethereum use proof of work along with many others. Therefore, they need mining to check for double spending.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

How A Small Towing Business Can Accept Bitcoin Payments

The number of small businesses accepting crypto payments continues to grow.

If your business is just starting, consider including Bitcoin in your POS options. In this way, your small business will keep up with its competitors.

But Bitcoin is complicated for some people. Ideally, this cryptocurrency represents innovation, and not everyone understands how it works. However, the growing acceptance of this digital currency by big tech companies and payment processors like PayPal is a key incentive for small businesses to adopt it.

However, accepting Bitcoin payments is more than a survival tactic for a small business like Tow Truck in San Jose. It is a way to increase the efficiency of the company. If you are looking for the nearest tow service in San Jose, find them on the map.

Some of the ways your tow truck startup can benefit from Bitcoin

  • Attracting new tech-savvy customers
  • Encouraging security through Bitcoin’s decentralization
  • Ensuring faster payments
  • Lowering transaction fees
  • Eliminating chargeback fees that eat away at business profits

Nonetheless, bitcoin payments also have their downsides. For example, accepting bitcoin payments can expose your business to cyber-attacks. Also, the volatility of this virtual currency could bring losses to your small business. But you can minimize these risks if you take the right approach when accepting Bitcoin payments.

tow truck in san jose

Steps to Accepting Bitcoin in Your Small Business

Preferably, accepting Bitcoin payments must be quite easy if you follow these steps.

  • Set up a Bitcoin wallet: You already know that you need a crypto wallet to accept Bitcoin payments.

Therefore, set up a crypto wallet to accept bitcoins. A digital wallet is like a bank account that allows you to receive and send digital money. You can use a Bitcoin wallet or a multi-crypto wallet if you want to accept other cryptocurrencies.

  • Integrate Bitcoin payments on your business website: Integrate this payment option on your business website after setting up a Bitcoin wallet. If your business runs on a platform, you can install a plugin that will allow you to set up Bitcoin payment processing.
  • Insulate your business against Bitcoin downside: You want to preserve the value and security of your Bitcoin when accepting payments in this digital currency. Therefore, set up a mechanism to convert bitcoins into cash to reduce the risk of losing profits due to bitcoin volatility.
Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Is It Beneficial To Invest In Digital Currencies?

Before investing, you must register with a bitcoin exchange. An example of a well-known trading place is, for example, the US company Coinbase. For new investors, it is advisable to enter the market very slowly and only invest the amount that you can lose painlessly. Remember that Bitcoins fluctuate very strongly.

What to consider?

It is vital to realize that bitcoins are not the better investment as people always claim. Cryptocurrencies do not correct if the stock market weakens. When the stock market fall, gold can protect much better as compared to digital currencies. The precious metal frequently gains sharply when stocks increase.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Bitcoin: The Clock Is Slowly Ticking Down

Frustration and joy are closely related in the crypto market. The strong price movements in Bitcoin and Ethereum offer potential. The mood is currently on the rock bottom, the courses do not seem to be able to find a footing.

Crypto currencies remain a question of faith

Equities are tangible capital in a certificated form. As history has shown, they offer the best long-term protection against inflation. Even gold as a safe investment haven cannot be increased. This also applies to many cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

You can now process electronic payments much faster at significantly lower transaction costs and high volumes. Detached from the value of the bitcoin, it is necessary to distinguish the price, i.e. the result of supply and demand on the market.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Some Advantages Of Blockchain Technology

Investing in crypto is possible without hiring an investment consultant. You can buy crypto without having a bank to deal with your debit or credit card payment. Since you don’t require the approval of bank managers or finance professionals, you can complete transactions in minutes. This is a major benefit of using blockchain technology.

Dependability of decentralized peer-to-peer database

You can store copies of blockchain transactions on hundreds or thousands of network nodes. Transactions are verified before being added to the blockchain. They are secure because there is no single point of failure in a peer-to-peer network. With a traditional database, the breakdown of one server can take all of your data offline. Then all you can really hope for is your backup. With blockchain, there is no need to worry about such issues.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

How To Keep Crypto Currencies Like Bitcoins Safe?

After you have purchased cryptocurrencies on an exchange, that exchange will manage your balance.

How do you keep your bitcoins safe?

The bitcoins are yours, but they are in the exchange’s account, the so-called wallet. In the past, exchange wallets in particular have been the victims of attacks. It is therefore advisable to transfer the bitcoin to a personal wallet. You get the unique code of your coins. Save it on multiple devices. These devices should ideally be offline. But please note that if you lose the code, your money is gone too.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Buy Cryptocurrency: These Options Are Available

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash and Ethereum, cryptocurrencies are particularly interesting for investors and stock market speculators.

Buy cryptocurrency: The most important thing in brief

Investors can invest in cryptocurrencies in different ways.

If you want to buy cryptocurrencies, you should do so through well-known providers.

To buy “real” cryptocurrencies, you need a wallet.

Buy cryptocurrencies: Rapid development

The development of cryptocurrencies is progressing rapidly. A few years ago, Bitcoin and Ethereum were still the digital means of payment for a few computer freaks. But now, they are also on everyone’s lips among private investors and speculative investors. The reason is simple. Anyone who bought bitcoins for a few hundred dollars a few years ago is now a millionaire.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

What Are The Benefits Of Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies enable digital payment transactions without central administration.

Thanks to the decentralized exchange of data, individual groups or interest groups such as banks or governments can neither simply print new money nor manipulate the exchange rate.

They base the decentralization of personal data or transactions on blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology makes business possible without third-party middlemen. This can be, for example, trading stocks without banks or buying real estate without a notarial certification.

Access for everyone

There are significantly more people worldwide who have access to the Internet or smartphones than people who have access to the banking system.

Cryptocurrencies offer unbelievably great potential for precisely this population. Cryptocurrencies do not exclude users based on history or other characteristics.

The already widespread user-to-user credit system in the micro area also uses this potential.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Bitcoin Market And Other Cryptocurrencies

The cryptocurrency market exceeded two trillion dollars. It is a capitalization that even those who frantically supported the investment in Bitcoin and other similar digital assets did not hope for.

Bitcoin: Part of a market of over two trillion dollars

To better understand how many zeros, the cryptocurrency market has now reached a market capitalization of $ 2trillion. It’s a huge value. Bitcoin drove the growth which remained at a market capitalization of $ 1trillion for a week. Bitcoin rose 1.4% to $ 59,045.

Many analysts call for caution

The market is extremely volatile. There are many who do not shy away from talking about a speculative bubble. Behind these cryptocurrencies is nothing more than trust. If it disappears, then everything collapses.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Cryptocurrency Mining

Investing In Cryptocurrency: Is It Worth It?

The financial world has been discussing the opportunities and risks of Bitcoin since its introduction in 2009. In the meantime, digital currencies have developed from a marginal phenomenon and an object of speculation for outsiders to a major player in the financial market.

Choosing a Cryptocurrency

Making choices is one of the real challenges of cryptocurrencies. The reason for this is that there is not just one cryptocurrency but hundreds. To make matters worse, new ones are constantly coming onto the market.

Bitcoin is still one of the dominant cryptocurrencies. It is also the cryptocurrency that is attracting the most attention and investment funds.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

How to Identify and Avoid Cryptocurrency SCAM

There are many cryptocurrency startups and most of them are scams. The rise of blockchain and of cryptocurrency is amazing. When people see it, they become inspired by investment results showed by other people. Many are evolving trading models where people can get attracted. Many people see the positive side of cryptocurrency because it grows so fast. There are many people who earn big and many people are will to invest.  For the negative side, This is also an opportunity for scammers to strike.

How would we know this?  Here are some pointers to ponder on to avoid falling a victim to scams.

  • Know how to identify fake ISO’s. Many people do scams by marketing and creating a fraudulent primary coin offer. An ICO is one of the ways a legal business can make money using crowdfunding. Many of these ICO’s can conduct fake sale of tokens. Once you invest in these fake ICO’s, the coin has no value.
  • When a company has a great money come back promise, this is too good to be true.
  • Check is there is a legal road map for that particular token. Is there proof of concept?
  • Do they have a support who can help solve a problem?
  • Identify Cloned Fishing website. A cloned website is someone that copies an original website, they promote this until they get personal information to use for scam.
Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Block Chain Crypto, Crypto

Tips When Investing in Cryptocurrency

When investing in cryptocurrency, you can find many one-stop-shop over the Internet that will give you many advises. As an investor research only objective information about any cryptocurrency or crypto app that you might be interested in.  If you are considering to invest in any crypto coins, it would be helpful to understand these projects. The best cryptocurrencies out there are the ones that solve these giant problems in the startup world. You would also want to know how the price has been performing over the last month, 6 months, year, 2 years, so you can think about how you want to time your entity in the market. You’ll definitely want to follow the coin and check the news and reviews to get a sense of what the general market sentiment is like towards that coin and figure out is it being worked on, if yes, by who? Are they no-names in the industry, or do they have serious street credit? Is the project evolving?  Is it getting faster, cheaper, better and easier to use? These are very important things. If you see that prices are going up, but there doesn’t seem too much progress, then that’s probably a red flag. But if you see that the price is staying flat or declining, but there seems to be a massive progress being made on that project, then that could be a sign that’s it’s a good time to be involved. You would also want to look into the economics behind the coin in question that you’re doing research on. An example on this is check how many coins are out there in active circulation for that currency? Is the overall supply of coins capped and limited to a fixed number, or is there inflation built into it in a yearly basis? The answers to these questions vary greatly from coin to coin. So it’s very important that you understand the supply and demand economics behind it.

Only invest what you can only afford to lose. Note that every dollar that you invest in cryptocurrency could all go to zero overnight. At the end of the day, cryptocurrencies are programs or software. Software and programs are built using codes, which comes from humans. Humans aren’t perfect and these codes may contain bugs. It’s possible that a bug could get discovered that can lead to a “black swan” events that could wipe out your entire investment overnight. Aside from just bugs, there’s a risk of a 51% attack on the network, or the fear of quantum computing. There are user errors that you also have to consider. Cryptocurrency has only been around as an industry for about 12 years now, so we’re all kind of learning on the fly how to do it. It’s very much so an experiment, it’s early days, so make sure you’re treating it as such and that you only invest what you can afford to lose.


Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

What You should Know When Investing in Cryptocurrency

Whether you are new to cryptocurrency and you’re excited and ready to buy, or if you’ve been reflecting this decision for a while and you’re finally ready to take that plunge remember to take note of these advises before investing into cryptocurrency. This will enable you to get off to a good start. This will make you sleep well at night and help you manage your crypto assets like a pro. When investing in cryptocurrency, you will definitely experience some mistakes along the way, especially in the early days. You will be able to learn from these mistakes. Avoid these mistakes by following these great tips:

  • Learn the basics of cryptocurrencies. Educating yourself about these digital assets is definitely the most important thing you can do to set yourself up for success. For generations, we’re used to storing our wealth in banks, and it’s someone else’s responsibility to safeguard and protect our money. But with cryptocurrency, this is flipped entirely around. You are in control of your own money. And if you happen to lose access to your wallet or if you send your coins to a dead-end or to the wrong person, there’s no Help Desk or Support center that you can call up to try to reverse the transaction, this does not exist with cryptocurrency. It’s important that you take security very seriously at the onset and understand how these systems work. For a lot of the cryptocurrency projects out there like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there’s actually no company, CEO’s or shares. Instead these are decentralized, peer to peer systems that operate much less like a company, and a lot more like the Internet, where no single person or entity owns or control it.

  • Trust nobody and do your own research. Just like the Internet was in the 90’s, Cryptocurrency today isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There are a lot of pump and dump schemes out there. There are scammers that will try to swindle you for your money if you’re not careful. There are many that will promote these projects that they don’t really believe in. They are just trying to make you look like the greater fool. If someone is trying to tell you that they know the hottest coin you should invest in, you should really think about what are their real motives and why they be saying that. If it’s someone on the Internet saying this, chances are there might be something up there. Do your own research and not take anyone else’s word for it.
Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Ways to Invest in DeFi

Here are some ways on how a person can potentially profit from DeFi or decentralized finance trend. This is an area in which many people believe could actually grow significantly over the years. DeFi  is essentially the crypto currency spaces that attempt to recreate, rebuild and prove upon the traditional financial system and financial services.

DeFi is based on liquidity. Profits depends on the usage of this liquidity. This decentralized liquidity allows anyone to provide money in the system. Here are ways to potentially make money from this trend:

  1. Staking and Yield Farming. Staking is equivalent to a term deposit in DeFi, in which borrowed cryptocurrency and interest can only be accessed after a predetermined period. Yield farming is equivalent to “no commitment” staking. This has a slightly lower interest rate but has the advantage for one to withdraw the money deposited at any time. Some platforms of yield farming are:
  • Sushi
  • Harvest
  • Yearn
  • Uniswap
  • Curve
  • Aave
  1. Directly within DeFi itself. There are many ways and applications to do this. A good example is by the use of different protocols. You can lend your cryptocurrencies to other people at the same time generating interests or income from lending them out to people. You can do this in an open manner throughout DeFi itself. You can also make money as a liquidity provider. Liquidity providers can earn 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity. But be mindful of risks that come with this . When not careful you can loose all your money.
Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

How Popular is Cryptocurrency?

A study has been done about cryptocurrencies in the United Kingdom. The aim of the study is to find out how popular is cryptocurrencies. Here are some results of the study:

  • Over 70% of those surveyed haven’t heard of cryptocurrencies or didn’t know how to define one. This reflects that these digital currencies are still very young in still a tiny niche.
  • Buying cryptocurrencies is not very popular. It was estimated that only 3% of the overall sample have done so in the past.
  • Only 7% of those who haven’t bought any cryptocurrency so far would consider it in the future.
  • Owners of cryptocurrencies tend to use their own money to buy it. None of the respondents reported borrowing money from financial firms or to friends and family. This means that people are not using much leverage.
  • Only 8% of all cryptocurrency owners completed deep research before purchasing, with 16% doing no prior research.
  • Over 1 in 3 have never checked the value of their cryptocurrency since purchasing.
  • Around 40% of cryptocurrency owners expect to hold it for 3 or more years, while some report selling some or all of it already.
Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

What Makes Cryptocurrency Go Up in Value?

There are millions of cryptocurrencies circulating these days. The crypto market is booming. Here are some reasons why Cryptocurrencies are valuable.

  1. Supply and demand. We are still in a transition but this can be a thing of the future. Many people don’t want to be out of the game so many are investing early in crypto currencies.
  2. Cryptocurrency is a store of value that cannot be censored. The block chain network allows us to upload digital files and information which can be stored in this network and verify cryptographically without the requirement of trust. This system represents a ledger technology that can be accessible to anyone and anywhere simultaneously.
  3. It is scarce. It is scarce because of the protocol to only to limit the unit of currency.
  4. It is useful because it allows people to do things with money we have never previously been able to do. It is a programmable money that operates in a digital economy that has no physical borders.

What does this digital currency allow us to do?






  • Send money anywhere, anytime to anyone (Essentially, it has no limit on the movement of money.
  • Send us much or as little as we like for negligible fees.
  • Send money potentially anonymously and with almost no delay.
  • The block chain allows us t verify all information- proof of work, ownership, existence etc.
Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Can We Buy an Item With The Use of Cryptocurrency?

People critique cryptocurrencies as something that they are claiming to be but they are not. Up to this time, one cannot use cryptocurrency to purchase items like traditional currency does. It would be amazing if a person can use these digital currencies to purchase something in the grocery or in malls. This isn’t yet possible because it’s still in the early stages and there are many skepticisms on the use of this. As far as this article goes, cryptocurrencies cannot be used to buy or spend. There are merely digital tokens. However the founders of these digital tokens are looking to change this on the years to come. They are hoping for wider acceptance and adaptation of these digital currencies.

Who Accepts Bitcoin as Payment? Where Can I Spend Crypto?

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel

What We need To Know About Cryptocurrency

The word Cryptocurrency has been a popular word in the internet for the past years. Cryptocurrency is considered as an intangible digital asset that is protected by a complex encryption known as cryptography. This protects and authenticates every transaction  connected with Cryptocurrency. This will also ensure, to manage the creation of new units of this digital currency. Cryptocurrencies are intended to function as a decentralized medium of exchange. They are a non-partisan financial institution and not connected with a central authority. The most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. There are many other kinds of these digital currencies like Ripple, LiteCoin, and others. However popular many investors have been still skeptical of its use and reliability. Because of its freshness in the market there are many uncharted territory to explore about Cryptocurrencies. Investors are wise enough to learn more about them before investing on them.


Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Bitcoin a Cryptocurrency

The most popular cryptocurrency is bitcoin. This system was created by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is not known if Satoshi really exists or is referring to a group of people who brought about the use of Bitcoin.






To understand further how Bitcoin works, it grants its users to generate a Bitcoin wallet. The users automatically become the owner, guardian, and maker of the Financial instrument. The wallet is where the users save their bitcoins. This is also where Bitcoin mining is performed. compare to real money, Bitcoin Mining is a process wherein the verification of amounts to be transferred takes place. It is where a user transfers a cryptocurrency to another account. An encryption process takes place which is then registered in the blockchain. Just like when you log in to any site, each bitcoin wallet has its own password and numbering. Confidentiality is dependent on its user. Bitcoin does not disclose the identity of the wallet’s owner since only their wallet number is the one available. This is one of its critical points because one is not able to identify the real user compared to the traditional banking system.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Cryptocurrencies and the Future

The Digital age has brought about the use of digital currency. This is also popularly known as Cryptocurrencies. This came about by the use of cryptography. This technique uses advanced encryption techniques that encode information.
While cryptocurrency is gaining popularity some may still be hesitant about this concept. Users take to consider many limitations in its use compared to traditional currency. Users are considering safety measures that come.

Cryptocurrency: The Future of Finance and Money

when using it. They consider issues like losing digital earnings when a computer gets corrupted. Or the possibility of digital earnings stolen by hackers. Although this may improve as technology advances many are still questioning its existence. But still, cryptocurrency is widely used in the net.
Many users are embracing its existence thus the government is scrutinizing its use. Stricter regulations are also imposed. This will strengthen the use of cryptocurrency.
Posted by Lyndsey Annabel

Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies

Decentralized Proof of Ownership cryptocurrencies has become increasingly popular in recent years. Analysts calculate that over 300 types of cryptocurrencies are currently in use. Bitcoin and Litecoin are two of the most popular, while companies continue to grow a platform suitable for accepting these cryptocurrencies. An alternative payment platform offers numerous benefits to both buyers and sellers, such as lower collection costs for the seller and a global instant payment system for the consumer. The rapid growth in the value of Bitcoin and Litecoin has created a new market for seigniorage, digital asset trading, and a global payment system. Because of this, a new market for fraud and digital threats also exists today.

Digital currencies are based on the principle of decentralization; no one “owns” the protocol and everyone can participate in it. Likewise, no one owns the Internet. If an individual wants to create a website, all they need is a computer and a gateway to the Internet. The same concept applies to Bitcoin. Anyone can participate in the protocol and make it secure. The recent introduction of cryptocurrencies was designed to use public-key cryptographic techniques to ensure the security, traceability, and verification of each transaction. Businesses are quickly realizing that cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, have now become mainstream in many areas of the world. Due to the global nature of the internet, a payment through Bitcoin and other similar currencies is instant and free of costs. A truly remarkable advantage when you think of credit card fees, which can weigh on the merchant up to 5% of each transaction.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel

The Basics of Cryptocurrencies

The finance industry has been transformed by cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. As society embraces digital currencies, pre-settlement funding companies are gaining attention as a crucial lifeline for plaintiffs awaiting settlement during legal proceedings. 

How Cryptocurrencies Work?

Blockchain is a decentralized technology used by cryptocurrencies to keep a transparent and secure ledger of transactions across a network of computers. Cryptocurrencies are not regulated by a central authority, which means users have complete control over their finances. The decentralization of cryptocurrencies guarantees transparency and security while eliminating the necessity for intermediaries.

Popular Cryptocurrencies in the Market

The digital currency market offers various cryptocurrencies with distinct characteristics and uses. The first-ever cryptocurrency is still highly valued for its limited supply and widespread adoption. Ethereum brought smart contracts to the scene, allowing the development of decentralized apps. Ripple concentrates on facilitating fast cross-border transactions, while Litecoin prioritizes quicker transaction confirmation times.

Storing and Securing Your Cryptocurrency

Keeping your digital assets safe is crucial when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Actually, there are two types of wallets that you can find nowadays and these are:

  1. Hardware-based – hardware wallets offer protection by keeping your private keys offline.
  2. software-based – simply put, this provide secure storage for your digital currencies

To ensure the safety of your investments, it’s essential to adhere to best practices for password management and activate two-factor authentication.

Risks and Challenges

Cryptocurrencies present exciting opportunities for investors, but it is essential to know the associated risks. One common characteristic is price volatility, which can make investing in these digital assets risky. Additionally, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies makes them a prime target for cybercriminals. 

Robust security measures are crucial to minimize crypto theft/fraud. Keep this in mind to make informed investment decisions.

The world of cryptocurrencies is constantly evolving and presents opportunities for those willing to approach it with a discerning mindset. To embark on a journey into the captivating realm of digital finance, it is essential to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, select appropriate cryptocurrencies, secure your investments, and stay aware of the associated risks. By doing so, you can equip yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate this dynamic landscape and potentially reap the benefits that come with it.

Posted by Bella Isolde in Block Chain Crypto, Crypto

Inheritance Revolution: Unlocking the Power of Crypto Currencies in Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer

Inheritance and wealth transfer has undergone a transformative shift with the rise of cryptocurrencies. As digital assets gain prominence in financial portfolios, individuals and families are exploring innovative ways to incorporate these digital currencies into their estate planning strategies. This article delves into the significance of crypto currencies in reshaping the traditional approach to inheritance, shedding light on the opportunities and challenges they present.

The Changing Face of Inheritance: Traditionally, inheritance has been associated with tangible assets such as real estate, jewelry, and cash. However, the advent of cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin leading the charge, has introduced a new class of digital assets that hold great value. Unlike traditional assets, cryptocurrencies exist in a decentralized digital space, offering a level of security, transparency, and accessibility that traditional methods may struggle to match.

Crypto Currencies in Estate Planning: The decentralized and borderless nature of cryptocurrencies has implications for estate planning that extend beyond conventional methods. Smart contracts, built on blockchain technology, allow for the creation of self-executing wills and trust agreements, automating the inheritance process and minimizing the need for intermediaries. This not only reduces the risk of disputes but also streamlines the distribution of assets according to the individual’s wishes.

Global Reach and Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies possess a unique ability to democratize access to wealth, setting them apart as a compelling financial instrument. Unlike conventional banking systems, cryptocurrencies function globally, offering financial inclusivity to individuals who might otherwise lack access to traditional banking services. This inclusiveness carries over to inheritance scenarios, guaranteeing that beneficiaries worldwide can effortlessly receive their portion of digital assets, unrestricted by geographical barriers.

Challenges and Considerations: While the adoption of cryptocurrencies in inheritance services brings about numerous benefits, it is not without challenges. The volatility of crypto markets poses a risk to the stability of inherited wealth. Moreover, the evolving regulatory landscape surrounding digital assets requires careful consideration to ensure compliance with legal requirements. Estate planners and beneficiaries alike must navigate these challenges to fully realize the potential of crypto currencies in wealth transfer.

Security and Privacy Concerns: The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies enhances security, but it also raises concerns about the potential loss of access in the absence of proper safeguards. Estate planners must address issues of private key management and educate beneficiaries on the importance of secure practices to prevent the loss of inherited digital assets.

You might also want to read about Managing Risk in SMSF Property Investment: A Financial Perspective.

Conclusion: The integration of cryptocurrencies into inheritance services represents a paradigm shift in the way we approach wealth transfer and estate planning. As the digital economy continues to evolve, individuals and families must adapt their strategies to harness the potential benefits of these innovative financial tools. The inheritance revolution fueled by crypto currencies offers a glimpse into a future where wealth transfer is not only more efficient but also more inclusive and accessible on a global scale. As we navigate this evolving landscape, the importance of staying informed and seeking professional advice cannot be overstated, ensuring a seamless transition of digital assets to the next generation.


Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Decoding the Future: Mortgages in the Era of Cryptocurrencies


Cryptocurrencies have become more than just a buzzword; they’ve emerged as a transformative force across various industries. One area where their impact is increasingly felt is in the realm of mortgages. As we navigate this intersection between traditional home financing and the evolving landscape of digital currencies, mortgage brokers find themselves at the forefront of this financial evolution.

Mortgage Advice for Calgary

Mortgage advice for Calgary: Amid the evolving landscape of mortgages influenced by cryptocurrencies, specific advice tailored to local markets becomes increasingly essential. Calgary, with its unique real estate dynamics, demands a nuanced approach from mortgage brokers. Understanding the local economic conditions, housing trends, and regulatory environment is paramount. In a city known for its resilient real estate market, providing advice that combines traditional wisdom with insights into the potential impact of cryptocurrencies becomes crucial.

Mortgage brokers in Calgary should be equipped to guide clients in navigating the digital wave while ensuring a firm grounding in the stability of the local housing market. As the intersection of traditional mortgages and cryptocurrencies continues to unfold, offering advice that addresses the specific needs of the Calgary market will be instrumental in fostering successful homebuying experiences for residents in this vibrant Canadian city.

The Digital Wave in Mortgage Markets

The traditional mortgage landscape has long been characterized by paperwork, lengthy approval processes, and centralized banking systems. However, the rise of cryptocurrencies is ushering in a new era, challenging conventional norms and offering novel solutions.

Cryptocurrencies: A Game-Changer

  1. Decentralization: Unlike centralized banking systems, cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks, eliminating the need for intermediaries.
  2. Smart Contracts: Blockchain, the technology underpinning many cryptocurrencies, enables the creation of smart contracts. These self-executing contracts automate and streamline various processes in the mortgage lifecycle.

Benefits for Homebuyers

Homebuyers, too, stand to gain from this digital transformation.

Faster Transactions

  • Cryptocurrency transactions operate 24/7, allowing for expedited processes compared to traditional banking hours.

Increased Accessibility

  • Digital currencies facilitate cross-border transactions, opening up new possibilities for international homebuyers.

Financial Inclusion

  • Cryptocurrencies could bridge gaps in financial inclusion, providing opportunities for those without access to traditional banking services.

Challenges on the Horizon

However, this revolutionary shift is not without its challenges, especially for mortgage brokers navigating this new terrain.

Volatility Concerns

  • The cryptocurrency market is notorious for its volatility, presenting a potential risk for both lenders and borrowers.

Regulatory Uncertainty

  • The regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies is still evolving. Mortgage brokers must stay abreast of changes to ensure compliance.

Navigating the Future

Mortgage brokers find themselves at a crossroads, tasked with integrating these innovative technologies into their existing frameworks.

Education and Adaptation

  • Mortgage brokers must invest in education and training to understand the intricacies of cryptocurrencies, ensuring they can guide their clients effectively.

Collaboration with Tech Innovators

  • Embracing partnerships with fintech companies and blockchain developers can empower mortgage brokers to leverage technology for more efficient and secure transactions.

READ ALSO: Understanding The Key Features Of Cryptocurrencies


The landscape of mortgages is undergoing a digital revolution, and mortgage brokers play a pivotal role in decoding this future. While challenges exist, the potential benefits for both homebuyers and investors are too significant to ignore. As we sail through uncharted waters, the adaptability of mortgage brokers will be crucial in shaping a future where traditional and digital finance seamlessly coexist.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Empowering Cryptocurrency Security: Unveiling BitAI’s Advanced Solutions for Risk Management and Fraud Detection

Cryptocurrency BitAI Security

As the popularity of digital currencies continues to soar, so do the challenges associated with safeguarding transactions and assets. BitAI or BitAI Trading, a cutting-edge artificial intelligence system, has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of cryptocurrency security, offering innovative solutions for risk management and fraud detection that have the potential to reshape the industry.

The Rising Need for Enhanced Cryptocurrency Security

The rapid adoption of cryptocurrencies has opened up a world of possibilities, but it has also exposed investors, traders, and businesses to a range of security risks. High-profile hacking incidents, fraudulent schemes, and unauthorized access have highlighted the vulnerability of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. With billions of dollars at stake, it has become imperative to bolster security measures and mitigate potential risks.

Introducing BitAI: Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency Security

BitAI, an advanced artificial intelligence system, has emerged as a beacon of hope for enhancing cryptocurrency security. Leveraging the power of machine learning and data analytics, BitAI has been designed to address the intricate challenges that come with securing cryptocurrency transactions and assets.

Risk Management Redefined

One of the standout features of BitAI is its ability to revolutionize risk management in the world of cryptocurrencies. Traditional risk assessment models often struggle to keep up with the dynamic and fast-paced nature of digital transactions. BitAI, however, excels in analyzing vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling it to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities swiftly.

BitAI’s risk management capabilities extend to anomaly detection, which plays a crucial role in spotting irregularities in transaction patterns. By continuously monitoring transactions, BitAI can raise alarms and trigger proactive responses when it detects suspicious activities, thereby reducing the window of opportunity for potential attackers.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

Cryptocurrency fraud has become a thorn in the side of the industry, causing financial losses and eroding trust among participants. BitAI’s advanced fraud detection capabilities offer a promising solution to this problem. Through its deep learning algorithms, BitAI can recognize patterns associated with fraudulent behavior and unusual activities.

Furthermore, BitAI’s fraud prevention measures include the ability to implement multi-factor authentication and real-time identity verification. This significantly reduces the likelihood of unauthorized access and ensures that only legitimate users can initiate transactions.

The Road Ahead: Embracing BitAI for a Secure Crypto Future

As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, the importance of robust security measures cannot be overstated. BitAI’s advanced solutions for risk management and fraud detection present a compelling avenue for addressing the security challenges that have plagued the industry. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, BitAI empowers users and businesses to transact with confidence, knowing that their assets are shielded by state-of-the-art security measures.

The integration of BitAI into cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, and platforms could mark a turning point in the ongoing battle against security threats. As developers continue to refine and expand BitAI’s capabilities, the cryptocurrency ecosystem stands to benefit from enhanced security, reduced fraud, and increased trust among participants.

Want to understand more about cryptocurrency? Read this article: Understanding Cryptocurrency And Its Fundamental Concepts

In conclusion, BitAI stands as a beacon of hope in the world of cryptocurrency security. Its advanced solutions for risk management and fraud detection have the potential to usher in a new era of safety and trust within the industry. As the cryptocurrency revolution unfolds, BitAI could play a pivotal role in ensuring that the promise of digital currencies is realized securely and responsibly.

Posted by Adelia Tyler in Crypto

Everything You Need to Know About Payday Loans Using Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin in palm


Crypto loans are the next big thing in the world of finance. With payday loans cryptocurrency, crypto loans, crypto lending, and crypto payments now available, it’s never been easier to get access to short-term funds quickly and securely, just like payday loans. Crypto lenders offer competitive interest rates and instant loan approvals so you can get the money you need when you need it most.

Comparing Traditional Loans to Payday Loans Using Cryptocurrency

Payday loans with cryptocurrency payments are making traditional loans more accessible than ever before. With faster processing times and peer-to-peer lending, borrowers can get the funds they need quickly and securely. Cryptocurrency loans are also beneficial for lenders, as they can be repaid faster and with fewer fees. It is possible to earn crypto tokens, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, by lending them. This is a great way for lenders to generate passive income on a small scale. Additionally, there are some ICOs that offer token rewards for users who lend their tokens as collateral. This provides significant benefits and increased security than traditional borrowing methods. If you have a small portfolio and are looking for loan options, this might be the answer. This is a great way for lenders to generate passive income on a small scale. Additionally, there are some ICOs that offer token rewards for users who lend their tokens as collateral. This provides significant benefits and increased security than traditional borrowing methods.

Exploring the Benefits of Payday Loans Using Cryptocurrency

Recent advances in technology have made it easier than ever for individuals to access financial services. One of the newest innovations to enter the market is the use of payday loans using cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that is secured by encryption techniques, making it difficult to counterfeit or double-spend. Payday loans are short-term, high-interest loans intended to bridge a cash shortfall between paydays. By combining these two forms of finance, individuals can access funds quickly and securely while avoiding the high-interest rates and long wait times associated with traditional lenders.

Payday loans using cryptocurrency are becoming an increasingly popular way to access funds quickly and securely. The use of cryptocurrency allows individuals to access funds without the need for a credit check or other traditional banking processes. Payday loans are convenient and accessible, even if you don’t qualify for a typical bank loan. Plus, the added security it offers makes transactions more secure.

How to Find Reputable Crypto Loan Companies and Avoid Scams

As more people look to payday loans as a way to cover unexpected expenses, it’s important to be aware of the potential for scams in the industry. Unfortunately, there are many dishonest lenders out there who prey on unsuspecting borrowers. Fortunately, with a little knowledge and research, it’s possible to identify and avoid these scams.

1. Check Out Online Reviews

The first step to finding a reputable crypto loan company is to check out online reviews. There are a variety of websites where people can post reviews about different companies and services. Look for reviews from customers who have used the service and get an idea of the overall experience they had. Pay attention to any red flags or negative comments that may indicate a potential scam.

2. Avoid Company Websites with Unprofessional or Questionable Content

The next step is to avoid websites with unprofessional or questionable content. Look for anything that looks like a scam, such as spelling mistakes, poor grammar, and vague phrases. If the company website appears to be poorly designed and doesn’t have an information page on how the company works, it’s likely a scam. The same goes for companies that aren’t clear about what they are offering in the way of crypto loans or if they offer any loan options at all.

3. Compare Crypto Loan Rates Across Different Companies to Find the Best Deal

If the company doesn’t offer a loan rate, compare rates across different companies to find the best deal. The key is to use multiple sources to compare rates before making a decision on which company to work with. There are numerous reputable companies in the industry, so be sure not to get discouraged if you aren’t able to find a good match right away.

4. Set Up Crypto Credit Limits to Protect Yourself

When you are new to the industry, it’s important that you don’t get yourself into a situation where you are unable to pay back your loan. One way of doing this is by setting up crypto credit limits on a personal finance app like Mint. This will require using a third-party wallet, but it can protect your finances if things go wrong in the future.

5. Understand the Risks of Crypto Storage

If you are going to be storing cryptocurrencies, it’s important that you understand the risks involved. There are extreme cases where banks have lost millions in crypto storage, so make sure you understand what your risks might be.


ALSO READ: Advantages Of Paying With Cryptocurrencies


6. Do Your Research on Hardware Wallets

One way of securing your crypto is by using a hardware wallet like Ledger Nano S or a Trezor. These devices can help protect against keyloggers and other threats that could steal your digital assets if they were to enter your computer or phone. This will require doing some research beforehand as to which device fits your needs.

7. Create a Backup Copy of Your Wallet

The safest way to back up your wallet is to print it out and place each individual key in a separate location where they can’t be found, such as the inside of a desk drawer or a safety deposit box. Even if you think you’re doing everything right and creating multiple backups, it’s always good practice for security reasons to have an extra copy somewhere else that is away from home and work.

8. Keep Your Private Key Safe

This might seem like common sense, but make sure that no one ever has access to your private key. It is recommended that you keep your private key offline in a physical safety deposit box, or on a USB drive that you do not share with anyone else.

9. Use Hardware Wallets For Maximum Security

Hardware wallets, such as the Ledger Nano S, provide maximum security and the utmost protection of your digital assets by storing your private key on long-term storage devices built into the device itself. It provides an extra level of protection by making it impossible to access without the device owner’s PIN code or physical access to the device itself.

10. Set Up 2-Step Verification (2SV)

When you set up a wallet, it will ask you for your login information. This step can be skipped by using 2-Step Verification. To prevent unauthorized use of your account, you must enable this feature before logging in from any device other than the one where 2SV is enabled on.

What are the Risks Associated With Payday Loans Using Cryptocurrency?

The primary risks associated with payday loans using cryptocurrency include:

  1. Volatility: Cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile, and this volatility can lead to significant losses for lenders and borrowers if the loan is not paid back quickly.
  2. Lack of Regulations: Cryptocurrency transactions are not regulated by any government or central banking authority, making it more difficult to track and recover funds in the event of a dispute.
  3. Theft Risk: Because cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, any funds sent to an incorrect address or stolen due to hacking or fraud cannot be recovered.

Conclusion: Consider All Your Options Before Taking Out a Payday Loan Using Cryptocurrency.

Before taking out a payday loan using cryptocurrency, it is important to consider all of your options. Make sure you understand how the loan works, the fees, interest rates, and the repayment terms. It is also important to look into other forms of financing, such as credit cards or personal loans, and weigh the pros and cons of each option. Payday loans can be a helpful solution in certain circumstances, but it is essential to make an informed decision that takes your financial needs into account.

Posted by Chrissie Hellen in Crypto

Tips To Better Understand Cryptocurrency Trading

The popularity of cryptocurrency has been growing all over the world. The capitalization of the crypto industry is higher than the budget of some countries. This opens up great opportunities to make money from digital currencies. Cryptocurrency trading is one of the most promising ways to make profits along with mining.

The basics of crypto trading

Crypto trading involves high risks, so it requires a lot of study and experience. It is well known that the price of crypto is volatile and can change many times during the day. The degree of fluctuation can even reach more than 50 percent. That’s why many crypto beginners who don’t have enough experience in this field think that crypto trading brings great profits on a daily basis. In practice, however, everything is different. Many beginners lose most of their assets and then give up the idea.

In this regard, it is advisable to start trading after you create a demo account on the exchange. Most exchanges offer their users the opportunity to open such an account. So you can get acquainted with the financial market and the trading platform without risk and losing money.

fxview ratings

How to trade correctly

After you get used to it, the time comes to replenish your account with a smaller amount of money. Remember that losses will occur. Nonetheless, this is an inevitable and essential stage in learning how to trade properly. The novice should learn what it’s like to experience losing money and hold a losing position. This will help him determine if he can’t panic, make mistakes, control his emotions, and find smart solutions when he’s losing. These skills should ideally be acquired in advance without having to pay large sums of money during the experience gain.

Beyond that, you should certainly turn to theory. For instance, read academic literature on trading and fxview ratings, listen to lectures on the subject, take special courses, and learn about technical and fundamental analysis. All this will help not only to see the ups and downs of asset prices on the charts but also to try to predict them.

By studying the literature and experience of other traders and investors, you can also master various trading strategies. One of them is averaging. It involves dividing the capital into several parts and investing in an asset in small amounts. This method will help you find the sweet spot for acquiring an asset.

Posted by Merlyn Sandra in Crypto

Can You Invest In Bitcoin Even With Small Budget?

The news is full of articles about the blockchain revolution. Cryptocurrencies make headlines every day, be it because they lose a small percentage of their value or because they go through the roof. Many people are watching this development with wide eyes because the complex digital currencies are difficult to understand. But once you understand the system, you can deal with the crypto exchange and invest in cryptocurrencies without much effort.

Of course, the blockchain giant Bitcoin is particularly interesting for investors and those who want to become one. Even with a small budget, people today can invest in the crypto market. To determine your budget before investing in crypto market, it is helpful to take advantage of the best app to monitor accounts. This way, you will not only monitor your expenses but your income as well.

Buy shares in bitcoins

Today’s Bitcoin millionaires bought the newly launched currency for little money. The crypto luminary was only worth a few cents USD back then. The situation for investors today is different. The majority of people cannot afford an investment of a few thousand dollars. If you still want to benefit from the growth of the super currency, you can also invest in shares of coins. Especially trading platforms that focus mainly on trading BTC offer their customers this opportunity. Here you can buy bitcoin.

When buying shares, investors should of course consider that the profits are only offset proportionately. It is advisable to keep a close eye on the market in order to find the optimal entry into the trade. If a significant uptrend is imminent, the profit on Bitcoin shares can also be surprisingly large. With the profit from cryptocurrencies you can either buy new shares or switch to other currencies.

best app to monitor accounts

How to get free bitcoins

Bitcoins are mined in a mining process generated. This term is based on the gold rush in the USA and is to be understood in the same way as gold panning. Only that coins are mined on super servers with crypto money. But there is another way to release the coins. There are special websites called faucets that offer bitcoins for free. Users must register and create an account on the faucet. Since the bonus bitcoins are not generated by computing power, it is sufficient to click a button within a countdown.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

Marketing Tips For Cabinet Startups Using Crypto

Social media marketing for your business is comparatively cheap. It is therefore particularly suitable for start-ups.

Many start-ups successfully use social media for their marketing. They rely on the viral distribution of content and benefit from the interaction with their followers. With social media marketing, they introduce themselves to their target audience and build their RTA cabinets brand.

Cabinet start-ups using crypto: How to approach social media strategy

Understand the target group of the start-up

Get to know and understand your target group. Only with a lot of information about your target group can you generate useful content for social media channels.

Prioritize few social media channels

When it comes to the number of social media channels, “less is more”. Especially as a young start-up with a small team, small budget and many tasks, it is important to prioritize correctly. Choose the channel where your target group can really be found. Eliminate all other channels even if it can look fancier on the website if several social media presences are linked.

It is important that you keep the quality of the posts on the channel high from post to post. For this, it is important not only to understand the appropriate language of the channel, but also to use it with tailor-made content. Invest time and resources accordingly.

RTA cabinets

Use paid social media advertising for more reach

Anyone who uses social media for their marketing can no longer avoid paid advertising. The big social media channels have successively limited the organic reach of companies over the years.

Companies that don’t invest in more reach than the algorithm gives them can go under with their content. It’s annoying to produce quality content that won’t be seen by the target audience. Paid advertising helps to get through to your target audience and to address potential customers.

Set realistic goals for social media marketing

Unrealistic marketing goals hinder social media engagement. The annual plan does not work if it is foreseeable after a few weeks that the goal will not be achieved. Young start-ups with a lot of drive and a small marketing budget tend to set difficult-to-achieve goals in social media marketing. As a team, ask yourself how realistic your business goals are.

There are many metrics in social media marketing to measure whether goals are being met. Do not collect all possible key figures, but only those relevant to your goals, which you can actively control and improve through your measures. But at the beginning, put your focus on the process of your social media activities and less on the goals.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Crypto

SEO Tips for Cryptocurrency Websites

Cryptocurrencies are a response to the need for privacy in the digital economy. You can earn and buy cryptocurrencies without banks or other central authorities overseeing the process.

As this fast-growing open-source currency continues to grow in market capitalization, value, popularity, and demand, there is a growing need to use Phoenix SEO for cryptographic websites. SEO remains the same even as the nature of some of the components evolves. The core components or pillars of SEO that should be applied to encrypted websites are technical SEO and on-page and off-page SEO.

Cryptocurrency SEO helps you get more traffic from people in your crypto niche and increase customer growth, awareness, and platform sales. His effective SEO strategies for crypto businesses help market the company’s products and services to target the correct audience and drive real traffic to your site.

The value of cryptocurrencies is recognized as users flow to your site and are directed to your site through online searches. Cryptocurrency advertising offers many opportunities, increasing the need to incorporate his SEO crypto strategy into campaigns. Crypto SEO is a significant driver of cryptocurrency-related organic traffic and can help you grow your customers, increase sales, and increase referrals to your business website.

Conduct a keyword research

When it comes to her SEO optimization of cryptocurrency sites, the first step is to know the specific keywords of your target audience to search for your service on search engines like Google.

Optimize your content

Creating SEO content is the best way to customize your content to a quality that appeals to your target audience and search engines. An encrypted website’s SEO content marketing strategy should focus on creating and publishing relevant, high-quality encrypted website content using keywords relevant to your niche. 

Get backlinks

Link building provides an efficient solution for obtaining authority for encrypted websites. Create a backlink profile to increase your website’s visibility and get better rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs). This will also improve your SEO rankings resulting in higher traffic and sales.

Organize the site structure

An encrypted website should be very different from other websites. Additionally, visitors have little to no trouble identifying your site as a crypto site if it is organized and structured with cryptocurrency technical information. 

Therefore, when optimizing a page for SEO, considering the structure of the crypto website, the website will only appeal to the target audience.

Optimize page speed

The importance of page speed in ranking a website cannot be overemphasized. Statistics show that 53% of mobile website visitors abandon pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load. Web pages that load slowly are not only tiring and discouraging, but they also increase your bounce rate, but Google isn’t oblivious to this.

Posted by Lexi Farley in Crypto

How will Blockchain Technology Change The Business World?

Blockchain technology – especially with Bitcoin – is the leader in the digital space. This new way of thinking and doing things is still in its early stages, but we look forward to experiencing the full impact that it has on us. As soon as some successful businesses start utilizing the technology, things are going to change. It’s possible it will take on a similar effect to what e-commerce was in the early 2000s.

What makes blockchain technology unique?

The blockchain is a type of ledger that records who owns what without any central authority to manage the network. It’s made up of blocks that are constantly added, so you know exactly what happened from the beginning. Thanks to built-in encryption algorithms, the data on a blockchain can’t be changed by anyone. This is a big difference compared to conventional systems, where any administrator has access and could change something in the database.

With digitization, there’s a greater need for data that can’t be tampered with. This could be vital for things like automation processes. A lot of people think blockchain is so different from the banking system because it doesn’t need our current institutions that we rely on for transactions. As an example, think about eBay and Amazon.

Blockchain technology lets us bypass central nodes and middlemen, making an economy that’s less dependent on them. Record companies or GEMA won’t be necessary and they’re expensive to maintain

Read also: How To Keep Crypto Currencies Like Bitcoins Safe?

Is it possible that companies like banks, Paypal, and more might lose out on their businesses once the power shifts over to blockchain tech?

Banks aren’t disappearing because of the blockchain. If they don’t evolve with technology, they’ll be forgotten. As part of this adjustment, banks are now participating in cryptocurrency exchanges known banks like Standard Chartered, Banks of Wells Fargo, and others were reported to have invested in the crypto market.

Blockchain is new, which leads to lots of obstacles. Some projects (like Ethereum and IOTA) still have a long way to go before the public really takes notice. But many companies are adapting just fine by moving into the new digital era and doing things like digitizing their old methods (which is what Amazon did famously).

We can maximize the benefits of cryptocurrencies and change how we do business by doing not just what is needed now but also planning for near-future needs. This will have a broad and lasting positive effect on society. The blockchain will most likely be an important service in the digital society 20 years from time. In the meantime, the majority of changes caused by blockchain technology will happen in the B2B sector. These changes will happen over the next decade or so.

Bitcoin has been around for a while, and there are new cryptocurrencies popping up all the time. Some of them may have more potential than others, but it’s hard to tell which ones are worth investing in.

  • Bitcoin was designed to be a payment option but is also used as a way of storing your money and has become the basis for other cryptocurrency networks. Making any changes to the system is difficult and typically takes up a lot of time or energy. It’s impossible for the network to come up with any changes beforehand
  • Ethereum goes a step further than Bitcoin, as it doesn’t store the coins themselves but rather the program codes on its blockchain database. These are what we call smart contracts which run automatically – an unchangeable and cheap solution that is also easy to use.
  • China’s NEO is another thing. They’ve also got digital assets and digital ID tied into their smart contracts. You can use these services to store different types of property, such as real estate or ID cards. The Neos goal is to make cryptocoin transactions as secure as possible. They make this happen by securing information behind blockchain technology.

What is the future of Blockchain Technology?

It’s hard to say what the future will hold but I’m sure blockchain-based societies will still make use of modern technologies. The question is more about how they’ll be used.

Decentralization can give people more control over their privacy, leading to a more autonomous lifestyle where they are able to connect with like-minded individuals. It might also lead to the formation of self-governing communities. If you live in a region with neighboring states, you might want to start trading electricity or lend money to one another. The blockchain would make these activities much easier and more efficient.

The way we think about ownership is different from blockchain-indexed tokens. Anyone can technically become owners of a company, their neighborhood wind farm, or a small startup with these assets. The prerequisite for this is of course a legal basis; other areas are also becoming easier and cheaper for the average consumer with the blockchain. Cashless payments are easier to do and have less risk of fraud when it comes to protecting personal assets. Blockchain technology can be used to easily and securely measure someone’s total assets. Even voting could take place on the blockchain and become more accurate and fraud-proof. Democracy would be more transparent.

In general, crypto will have a day-to-day impact in many different areas. Blockchain can simplify whatever you do and make it more convenient.

Posted by Lyndsey Annabel in Block Chain Crypto, Crypto